STAR WARS Reincarnation Theory, Part II – Hidden Narrative in ‘The Last Jedi’…

Now that we have The Last Jedi, let’s revisit the theory I laid out previously. So, I already posted at length previously, laying out a theory on Rey, Kylo and The Force Awakens – specifically the theory that Rey and Kylo might both be ‘Force Consciousness’ manifestations of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and that there is a hidden narrative coded into The Force Awakens. I laid out the argument in full here, and noted all of the clues that were present all throughout The Force Awakens. This is a sequel to that article. In light of The Last Jedi, I thought … Continue reading STAR WARS Reincarnation Theory, Part II – Hidden Narrative in ‘The Last Jedi’…