'SYRIAN VOICES' - A Voice For the Syrians the International Media Ignores... - Burning Blogger

‘SYRIAN VOICES’ – A Voice For the Syrians the International Media Ignores…

The old city of Aleppo, Syria

‘False narratives and blatant lies continue to be put forth by the corporate media and lying “Human Rights” groups with ties to the CIA, US State Department and/or colour-revolution schemer George Soros…’ explains independent journalist Eva Bartlett.

‘In recent years, many books have been written on Syria, and with the exception of a few, they have been war-promoting books based on false allegations; unnamed activists; the fraudulent one-man Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, located in Coventry in the UK—who himself gleans his data from “unnamed activists”; and the above-mentioned human rights groups complex,’ she explains.

‘I propose to fill the gap with my own book project, Syrian Voices,’ explains the Canadian journalist and activist, who was one of the anti-war, pro-justice activists that founded the Syria Solidarity Movement, which advocates for Syrian sovereignty and the Syrian people’s right to choose their own destiny.

Eva, who has lived in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon and provided substantial independent journalism from all three, will be using information and accounts gathered during her previous four trips to Syria over the last two years; but also needs to return to Syria to obtain more material ‘in order to write a book that prioritizes Syrian voices from Syria: truths from some of the most highly-misrepresented, lied about or simply ignored areas of the country.’

Eva’s book will afford marginalised Syrian voices a platform to address readers who want to understand what is really happening in the war-torn Arab Republic. She explains, ‘I have already collected many Syrian stories—voices and realities which contradict the corporate media’s account of events.’

This book, we are told, will also include stories and information ‘obtained from Syrians living in areas subjected to terrorist bombs, missiles, and mortars’ – attacks that the journalist/activist experienced repeatedly herself while in Damascus in 2014 – and ‘Syrians in areas which have been liberated from foreign-backed terrorists.’

‘In order to include in my book Syrian voices from areas of the country that I have not yet been able to visit, such as Aleppo, where there is immense suffering under terrorist bombs, or have not visited since they were liberated, such as Nubl, Zahra’a, and Palmyra, I need to return to Syria very soon. To be able to meet costs associated with overseas flights as well as travel and related expenses in Syria, it is necessary for me to fund-raise because much of my current work as a writer and related advocacy work is either non-paid or paid very little,’ she explains. ‘If this book project, as well as my ability to write and publicize new articles from Syria, is something that interests you and that you are able to support financially, I would gratefully appreciate any and all contributions.’

The book also seeks to highlight other, more positive aspects of the situation in Syria, including victories, the spirit and resilience of the Syrian people, and the deep and diverse cultural heritage of Syria. ‘In the media war on Syria, Syrian voices need and deserve to be heard widely,’ Eva says. ‘This is absolutely essential in order to bring greater understanding about the war on Syria and the will of the Syrian people themselves to people around the world, especially people living in the West. I am committed to making a solid contribution to opening minds and hearts to the realities on the ground. Of course my greatest hope is that the assault on the Syrian nation will end soon.’

Anyone interested in supporting ‘Syrian Voices’, can go to the Go Fund Me page here.

Eva’s blog is https://ingaza.wordpress.com/. Eva has written a substantial volume of articles about and from Syria, archived here. She has also interviewed a number of Syrians, whose testimony is archived in video or audio form.

S. Awan

Independent journalist. Pariah. Believer in human rights, human dignity and liberty. Musician. Substandard Jedi. All-round failure. And future ghost.

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