
Russia’s Attack on Kiev Children’s Hospital…

NATO summit 2024 emblem

Not much is going to be said here. 

If the Russians really did target and strike a children’s hospital in Kiev, then that’s horrendous and a war crime.
And to be clear once again, I’m no fan of Putin or supporter of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Nor am I a Kremlin apologist. For one thing, I recently posted on how the Moscow terror attack was likely staged by Russia itself and blamed on Ukrainians.
And given recent and ongoing killings of political opponents and the laughable pretense of free and fair elections in March, Moscow is hardly a bastion of credibility.
However, it’s curious that this apparent atrocity in Kiev happened to occur the day before the big NATO summit in Washington on 9th July, which all NATO leaders are attending. And in which Ukraine will obviously feature heavily as a subject.
Again, if Russian forces attacked the hospital, it should be investigated as a war crime.
Or, you know, maybe some other party – with more obvious motives – might explain the specific timing better.
Just a thought. NATO summit on July 9th; children’s hospital attacked on July 8th/9th.
And it being a children’s hospital specifically is obviously of great propaganda value, as was the maternity hospital attack two years ago.
And this conflict already has a track record of questionable accusations or staged events and propaganda operations.
Let’s recall the maternity hospital incidents, which we examined here and here. As well as the alleged massacre in Bucha, which we examined here.
Russia denies striking the hospital, claiming it was a Ukrainian missile to blame. The ICC is already on location, gathering evidence for its investigation.
Again, this latest alleged atrocity may well have occurred precisely as the Ukrainians and the major media say it did. I haven’t had the time to comb through the details or accounts like I did with the previously mentioned events.
I’m just saying there’s already a precedent for these kinds of events being staged and then dutifully spun by all involved parties to suit an agenda.
And again, the timing is curious.

S. Awan

Independent journalist. Pariah. Believer in human rights, human dignity and liberty. Musician. Substandard Jedi. All-round failure. And future ghost.

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