So I’ve just rewatched The Last Jedi for the fifth time now. And I want to talk about why it may be…
Someone asked me the other day why I’ve been so guarded about a new Star Wars Trilogy, particularly as I’ve been so
This latest podcast, featuring my friend Mumra 2K of, was recorded hastily on Friday February 27th, the night the sad passing
It’s hard for people sometimes to explain why someone mattered to them; someone they’ve never met, that is. Someone they had no
Modern cinema sometimes feels like a revolving door, with films – even big-budget ones – coming and going in the blink of
2014 marked three decades since the death of Richard Burton. But aside from being a mesmeric screen (and stage) presence, Burton also
It is 20 years since the first broadcast of the finest SF TV serial to have ever graced the small screen. J.
You might’ve heard already, but there’s a Supergirl live-action TV series in production, scheduled to air next year. What a Supergirl TV
There’s nothing in all creation more exciting than the words ‘Star Wars trailer’. Nor anything in life as exciting as that moment
Now three decades old, the Search For Spock – the third Star Trek feature film – has been long regarded largely in
A brief moment to pay tribute to someone that people my age or younger might not even have heard of before; but