
The Burning Blogger Podcast: Tribute to LEONARD NIMOY…

Leonard Nimoy as Spock

This latest podcast, featuring my friend Mumra 2K of HeWhoDares.com, was recorded hastily on Friday February 27th, the night the sad passing of Leonard Nimoy was announced.

It is our initial reaction to the sad news, a reflection on Nimoy’s stature and legacy, Spock and Star Trek in general.

You can listen to it here; or download the mp3 here by right-clicking and choosing ‘save link as’. 

And there’s an impromptu debate about William Shatner in there too (not my doing): for the record, I, true to my word, defended Shatner as I always do. It was simply necessary for us, myself in particular as a lifelong Star Trek fan, to speak on the matter of the great man’s passing and what Nimoy meant to us, as he did to millions of fans around the world.

Please enjoy, share, link to, or embed if you like.

A more expanded view of what Leonard Nimoy’s passing meant to me personally and what it means in a broader cultural sense was expressed in this post: On Mythology and Immortality: A Fan’s Tribute to Leonard Nimoy.

Leonard, wherever you are, logical or otherwise, we miss you.


S. Awan

Independent journalist. Pariah. Believer in human rights, human dignity and liberty. Musician. Substandard Jedi. All-round failure. And future ghost.

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