
Alex Jones, the Trump Shooting, & More Weirdness…

Alex Jones, Info Wars

You want to know something weird? 

Of course you do.
Did you know that Alex Jones and Ivan Raiklin essentially said on InfoWars a few months ago that Trump being assassinated would be a “best case scenario”.
I know this is somewhat tangential to the events of July 13th: but it’s not irrelevant as far as the psy-op and propaganda aspect of these things is concerned.
On the highly influential InfoWars show, Jones and Raiklin literally discussed how Trump being killed would be the best thing that could happen. Video link here.
They also proceeded to show a ‘hit list’ of political figures who should also be killed in retaliation, actually naming the individuals. I’m not joking.
The enthusiasm with which Raiklin particular engages in this talk is a little disturbing.
And yet right wingers in the US have the nerve to say that Biden and others calling Trump a threat to the nation was somehow responsible for the apparent attempt on his life.
The accusation of ‘irresponsible’ or combative language being used on the anti-MAGA side is actually ludicrous: such language, including actual and literal calls to arms and incitements to violence, have been the right’s bread and butter.
But the point being that this idea of an assassinated or martyred Trump being an asset to the cause has been out there.
I’m sure most of Trump’s supporters would be horrified to hear two fellow right wing mouthpieces saying this stuff. What’s bizarre is how openly and brazenly this stuff was being said.
In the video, it’s mostly the other guy and not Jones who is most eagerly pushing the rhetoric – but Jones does go along with it, even saying “Oh, please kill him. I mean, it’s so good after that…”
Which is weird coming from someone who is or was a strategically significant Trump supporter and was in fact a big part of the information and/or propaganda operations that helped Bannon, Trump and co come to power in 2016.
Jones’s role in the movement can’t really be underestimated: in many ways his daily broadcasts helped pave the way years in advance for the right wing’s cynical hijacking and weaponization of ‘conspiracy theory’ culture for political gain. But the fact that he had people like Roger Stone as regular fixtures on his show during the lead-in to the 2016 election demonstrates how much of an insider he was by then.
In terms of this talk about a Trump assassination, I guess, on a simple level, the problem with Alex Jones is that he talks so much that he’s bound to have said *everything* at some point or another. When you’ve got a three hour broadcast to fill every day for eternity, you’re going to say all kinds of shit just to fill the air time.
So much of what he says now is mostly incoherent, repetitive rambling.
I lost all patience with or trust in Alex Jones over a decade ago, and pretty much consider him and his InfoWars platform to have been a psy-op operation for mass manipulation purposes.
Some of the reasons for that I laid out here in this article years ago.
Also, Alex Jones’s unstable seeming reaction to the Trump assassination incident has been weird too.

Here on the Tim Dillon Show, for example, he claims to be fearing for his own life after the failed attempt on Trump.
He appears to have a minor emotional breakdown and explain how he’s willing to lay down his life in this apparent final struggle between good and evil that’s apparently happening.
It’s mostly a performance, I assume: from a self-described performance artist who needs to always stay at the center of attention.
Sometimes it’s hard to tell whether someone like Jones is going through genuine psychosis or whether it’s all part of the act. Watch the video for yourself (if you can bear it) and be the judge.
But he wasn’t asked about why he and his friend had previously said Trump being assassinated would be a good thing.
I’m sure he’d rather not be reminded of that particular broadcast.

S. Awan

Independent journalist. Pariah. Believer in human rights, human dignity and liberty. Musician. Substandard Jedi. All-round failure. And future ghost.


  1. I am confused as I am certain I read this piece a week ago so ago yet it says that it was published today?
    Jones has been a conman and grifter from day one. He was the counterfeit version of William Cooper,. He is the political version of a televangelist.
    Taking a very successful and lucrative schtick and transferring it to politics
    If you go back as far as you like, despite their resources Infowars never did anything good on any topic really. They were associated with the 911 film Loos Change, it is awful, some of their stuff is generic, lame rather than awful but still makes no real contribution.

    There is a video on youtube where you can see Mark at the 2013 Bilderberg meeting also attended by AJ., in one section the “conspiracy gang” all pile on a barge together and travel up a canal..
    I wouldn’t recommend the video as it goes for almost half an hour and Mark is only visible for thirty seconds here and there.but I am pretty sure this is it.

    • Wow, thanks mate. I’ve never seen this: though I do remember Mark mentioning something about when he hung out with Alex Jones.
      As for Jones, I’ve always at least credited his earlier work as being meaningful: but maybe I’m misremembering and giving him too much credit.

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