This is just a little update with some newer information.
As items have been cropping up at a mad pace since my longer piece on the July 13th supposed assassination incident, it’s worth just adding a few new tidbits to the equation here.
First, there’s the curious fact that the only medical report that’s been released on Donald Trump’s ear injury has been issued by a somewhat dubious source: specifically an individual who is no longer a licensed or practising doctor.
Ronny Jackson also happens to be close friend of Trump’s, having served in the former president’s administration.
Ronny Jackson does not have a valid medical license.
Is it odd that *this* individual is the only person Trump could find to treat his injury – which was supposedly from a gunshot?
Doesn’t a former president, not to mention the Secret Service, have access to more reliable or reputable medical professionals in that scenario?
I’m beginning to wonder if a bullet touched the former president’s ear at all – or whether it was actually a shard of glass from the teleprompter screen: which was what was actually initially reported in the media before this was amended to be an actual bullet.
If so, then the spectacle of Trump attending all three days of the Republican National Convention with that bandage on his ear becomes pretty silly. Even more so with all the fawning followers also wearing ear bandages in solidarity.

That RNC was a freak show, by the way. I watched some of the BBC’s overnight coverage and it was very much the real life adaptation of that satirical movie Idiocracy.
From Hulk Hogan’s unhinged performance to Trump’s own rambling speech, and with every overwrought, quasi-religious ritual in-between, it was an absolute festival of cult-like hysteria.
You’d have been forgiven for half expecting a Wicker Man type sacrifice at the end of it.
Though Trump shamelessly having the firefighting suit of the deceased 13th July rally victim on stage for him to theatrically embrace and kiss was probably worse.
Listen, I’m not saying the Great One wasn’t grazed by a bullet on July 13th. I’m just saying…
Going beyond all the oddities we already touched on last week here, it’s very odd that the only medical report on his injury came from such a dubious source.
But it gets weirder.
It has also now been reported that the alleged shooter, Thomas Crooks, had drones in the air around the rally site.
Are you joking?
So the 20 year-old not only waltzed into the area with a ladder and a rifle unimpeded, set up a sniper position unimpeded, was witnessed by multiple onlookers but not stopped by security… but he had his own drones in the air?
Are they actually TRYING to make the story unbelievable on purpose?
Well, it’s beginning to seem like, yes, they are. As I said last week, Psy-Ops within Psy-Ops.
I think we can dismiss the idea that Thomas Crooks had drones in the air, okay?
But why has that idea been put out in media? The only reason I can think of would be to disguise the possibility that the Secret Service or other security groups did have drones in the air, even though it was claimed that they didn’t.
Funny enough, something was seen in the air around the rally: leading some to even claim that UFOs were in the sky during Trump’s big event.
Check this out, for example.
I think we might have the answer: the little green men from Zeta Reticuli were the ones who shot at Trump.
Forget Idiocracy – maybe this was Mars Attacks.
Seriously, after watching Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan and the other Kool-Aid enthusiasts at the RNC horror show last week, ETs shooting at Trump would be *less* weird to me.
Or, you know, the other favourite is beings from the future coming back to witness a historic event.
According to some Renaissance era painters, there were UFOs at the Crucifixion of Jesus, you know – so maybe that’s what happens.
At this point, I can no longer actually tell if I’m being sarcastic or not: which is an indication of how tired all of our brains are with all of this stuff.
Either way, this July 13th business gets weirder and less congruent with each new statement or item.
It’s beginning to feel like all of this is *meant* to be confusing and incoherent. As if it’s designed to be that way.
I’m not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens!! LOL!! This entire show is definitely meant to confuse, contort, and control the narrative while also sidetracking people away from what’s really going on in the background: a growing awareness of how we, the people have been controlled by a very small cadre of banking families for eons of time. It’s going to get a hell of a lot weirder as more people wake up, IMHO!! I’d say don’t focus solely on what the media is presenting – also watch the reactions to it. The truth is spreading like wildfire.
Oh and Trump? Look up “bondslave ritual”. There just might be some THERE there given his known familial connections; personal debts; and love for…”over there”. Thanks again for your views! Appreciated.
Thanks Tony.
Yeah I think manufactured confusion is the main game right now.
I don’t know what “bondslave ritual” is: I’ll investigate your suggestion.