
The Real Reason Israel Keeps Attacking the Al-Aqsa/Temple-Mount…

Jerusalem, The Dome of the Rock

So… is this going to become an annual event?

Like, I don’t know, the Annual Festival of Provocation?

Because, if you’ve been following what’s been going on in Jerusalem, you’ll notice that this seems to be a copy-and-paste re-run of what went down at the Temple Mount pretty much *this exact same time* last year.

It was more or less this time last year that Israeli forces stormed the Al-Aqsa mosque… a provocation that set off a chain reaction that culminated in military bombardment of Gaza by Israel and Hamas firing rockets.

Fast forward a year and it’s deja vu time.

So one would have to assume the Israeli forces are trying to replicate the same sequence of events again now: up to and including what we must now assume will be the annual sports event with Hamas, where the two sides exchanges bombs and rockets for a few days.

Hamas being Israel’s creation, of course: since you can’t hold an annual sports event without at least two teams.

There’s no reason for Israeli forces to violate the Al-Aqsa mosque and attack worshippers otherwise. And, just like last year, it was done during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan. Though this year it also coincided with both Jewish Passover and Christian Easter – so, triple whammy, I guess (bonus points?).

Of course, we know *why* – in reality – Israeli forces are conducting these measured violations and provocations in the mosque. It’s all about eventually setting the stage for the longstanding (and openly stated) Zionist/nationalist agenda to seize and demolish the mosque so that the prophesied Third Jewish Temple can be built there on the Temple Mount.

Every time Israeli forces violate the mosque, they’re essentially saying ‘don’t be too comfortable here – we’re bulldozing this place soon’. I mean, it’s fairly obvious.

However, as I published here this time last year, there are other things in play in regard to Al-Aqsa, the Temple Mount and Jerusalem too.

One of them being Israel’s failed plot to overthrow the King of Jordan just weeks prior to last year’s raids on the Al-Aqsa – the King of Jordan being the official and legal custodian of the Al-Aqsa and much of the Old City. As discussed in that article, part of Jared Kushner‘s ‘peace plan’ for Israel seems to include a desire to wrest historical control of those sites from Jordan’s King Abdullah II and transfer that custodianship to Saudi Arabia.

We don’t need to cover all that information a second time: so, again, the article is here.

Every time Israeli forces violate the Al-Aqsa (where Abdullah’s grandfather, Hussein bin Ali – the founder of the Arab Revolt – is buried), they are provoking and/or testing the response/resolve of the Jordanian king.

I also discussed all of this – the plot against Jordan, the role of the Hashemite family in Jerusalem, the Israeli relationship to Hamas, etc – in an interview on William Ramsey’s podcast a year ago.

As for the Third Temple, Jerusalem, Biblical Prophecy, the Messianic Agenda, and all that fun stuff, I’ve covered it all at length in older articles: for example, here and here.

I also published these two PDFs: Jerusalem & the Holy War Psy-Op, Part I (April 2019: PDF) and Jerusalem & the Holy War Psy-Op, Part II (May 2019: PDF), exploring not only the Zionist agenda in regard to the Temple Mount, Jerusalem and Messianic prophecy, but also the highly significant Freemasonic and Knights Templar connections, and crucially how far-right and alt-right psy-ops have also been used in conjunction with this agenda.

Feel free to either read or download those PDFs and to distribute them as you see fit.



My Recent Interview on WILLIAM RAMSEY INVESTIGATES: Israel, the Temple Mount & Hamas…



S. Awan

Independent journalist. Pariah. Believer in human rights, human dignity and liberty. Musician. Substandard Jedi. All-round failure. And future ghost.


  1. I love your content and appreciate the detailed investigation and research behind each article. From what I learnt on TikTok, now one of few not so biased channels reporting on the situation in Gaza, this picture is not of the Al-Aqsa Temple. The Israeli have long been aiming at destroying it so that when they finally do it they can fool the world into believing it is still there. I might be wrong but if you double check this, will appreciate it a lot.

    • Thanks Olga. I’m not sure what you’re saying though: are you saying the mosque has already been demolished and this is just a fake?

      • Thanks for getting back S. Awan. I recently found this video on TikTok https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJK9W9Ft
        My question was if you consider it true – the author is saying that all the while we have been shown the image of the Rock of Dome, which is not actually Al Aqsa Mosque and it has been for a reason. Israel has not yet destroyed it but will some day do so.

        I did a bit more research and found out that both buildings belong to the compound of 144 000 sq km, so using the golden dome structure image while referring to Al Aqsa is not completely wrong.

        Yet in light of the recent events where much of Israel’s narrative have been exposed, the video made sense for me. What’s your take on that?

        • Thank you for sharing. It’s interesting. I’m not sure what to make of it: I might need to do more research. But definitely they intend demolition of the mosque anyway, as this is the only way to build the 3rd Temple.

  2. “this year it also coincided with both Jewish Passover and Christian Easter – so, triple whammy, I guess (bonus points?).” Cracked me up 🙂 always interesting to read your point of view, and nice to know this stuff is always on your radar!

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