Stade de France: November 2015 terror attack

Even days after the event, there is still no footage or images of the explosions at the Stade de France.

We are told suicide-bombers detonated devices. But not only are there no images or videos of the explosion, but there are no videos or images of the aftermath.

No images of any damage in or around the Stade de France. All these days later, are we really to believe that NONE of the news agencies or camera crews have bothered trying to film or photograph damage from the explosions?

Don’t you think that, if such proof existed, they would be keen to put those images on the covers of newspapers and in rolling news-channel coverage? But no, nothing.

All we’ve been shown every time is that looped footage of the football pitch and then a loud bang somewhere in the background, which we can *hear* but can’t see anything of.

Match commentators at the time, and later some players, have said they thought the noises from the stadium were “firecrackers”. Who mistakes a bomb for a firecracker?

Seriously, NOTHING HAPPENED at the Stade de France. It was simulated. If anything had actually happened, we’d have seen lots of images of the damage. The rolling news editors love that kind of stuff and would’ve been repeating the images over and over again. But there’s nothing.

And if the Stade de France ‘attacks’ were faked, then why are we to believe the rest of the story? The so-called attacks on the cafes are just as dubious. One of the cafes was said to have been hit with a suicide bomber.

 Paris Terror Attack, 2015 

You can see some of the footage of one of the cafes (the Comptoir Voltaire) where the suicide bomber supposedly blew himself up. There’s no damage. Windows intact, no interior damage, just a couple of chairs knocked over. And emergency personnel examining the aftermath are wandering around, looking remarkably casual, some forensics people are smoking cigarettes, some chewing gum and having a chat.

For a cross-comparison, go Google some images of suicide-bombings in Baghdad, Israel, Syria, Pakistan or other places, and you’ll see the difference between a location that actually has been bombed and one that hasn’t.

So we have to consider that, contrary to official claims, there were no suicide bombings anywhere in Paris on Friday 13th. The shootings, on the other hand,  obviously did occur, but we have no proof of who carried out those shootings.

And the media fakery is so stupid in places that you wonder why they even bother. Take this example, where a Canadian Sikh man has been Photo-shopped and presented to the world as one of the Paris terrorists. He’s a Sikh! He’s wearing a Sikh turban! He’s probably never been to Paris in his life.

If we have genuine jihadist/terrorists – and we’re told there’s as many as twenty – then why the need to put out fake pictures and claims?

Meanwhile American researcher and historian Dr. Randy Short has told Press TV that the deadly Paris attacks were likely carried out by professional commandos and not a bunch of scatter-brained ISIL jihadists. That is certainly my view of the Charlie Hebdo killings; in regards to these more recent attacks, I tend to believe there were real jihadists involved, though it is unclear in what capacity or to what extent.

And it is also very likely that special forces or intelligent agents were also involved.

I mentioned in the previous post that the tales of “Allahu Akbar” and “this is for Syria” might’ve been fabricated and that journalist Julien Pierce had told CNN  that no such words had been spoken by the shooters. I also mentioned some reports that some of the shooters were white-skinned men. Now read this next eye-witness testimony; from an article in The Daily Mirror, listen to this description from a witness to one of the mass shootings. “He was white, clean shaven and had dark hair neatly trimmed. The shooter was aged about 35 and had an extremely muscular build, which you could tell from the size of his arms. He looked like a weightlifter. He was not wearing gloves and his face was expressionless as he walked towards the bar. They looked like soldiers or mercenaries and carried the whole thing out like a military operation.

That’s a witness to the attack speaking. The same witness describes how the gunmen pulled up in a black Mercedes-Benz and calmly began shooting scores of the innocent diners.

 Special Forces, masked men, during Paris terror attacks in 2015 

There are also other eyewitness descriptions that describe some of the shooters as having appeared to be ‘drugged’ and in a trance-like state. One witness who saw the attackers hinted to drug use after telling police that before the attack on the Bataclan concert hall, where 89 people were slaughtered, the men ‘were like zombies’.

Now there are two interesting possibilities with that. One is that we already know jihadists and terrorists in Syria and Iraq (and Libya before that) are known to have often been found on drugs, and a report now suggests that drugs paraphernalia was found at the apartment where the attackers were staying, but another is that intelligence agency patsies have also been found in drugged states previously too. For example, the so-called ‘underpants bomber‘, who in fact turned out to be a CIA agent, was described by witnesses as having been in a drugged state when he supposedly tried to set off his explosive device on a plane (he was also described as having been escorted onto the plane by intelligence agency handlers).

The militants are also said to have moved from an attack at Rue de la Fontaine au Roi and then drove around a mile south-east – apparently past the area of the Bataclan concert venue – to then launch another attack, this time on La Belle Equipe bar in Rue de Charonne, where least 19 people died after the terrace was sprayed with bullets at around 9.35pm. But why drive passed the Bataclan theatre just to randomly attack a much less important target and then come back again?

In any case, the picture beginning to form seems to match up with James Robertson’s suggestion of ‘the likelihood of two attack teams, a team of patsies and a team of professionals, some of whom seemingly did not fit the mold of Middle eastern terrorist at all’, also pointing out a witness to the Bataclan attack, who told BFMTV that one of the assailants was white and appeared to be European. “I saw a guy who was pretty small, white and looked like a European. He was just in front of the Bataclan and had a gun resting on his shoulder. Then I saw flashes and heard ‘Bam bam bam.’”

There probably were ‘jihadists’ of some description or another involved, but there were the usual mercenaries or special forces personnel carrying out attacks too. Given the revelation that there was a planned ‘multi-site’ terror drill going on anyway, the reality might’ve been something similar to what happened on 7/7 in London, where Muslim actors were hired to take part in a drill, but then special agents took over and carried out real-life attacks, leaving the hired patsies exposed as the ‘real’ culprits.

 Paris terror attack, November 2015 

That’s just speculation; but this whole story is so problematic that we’ve little choice but to try to make sense of it outside of the official narrative.

A friend of Salah Abdeslam, the man suspected of being the eighth perpetrator, has told  The Independent  he could “never, ever, ever have imagined” it could be the same person he knew. “We chatted and talked about school and sports – I didn’t see any sign of hatred in him whatsoever”. Other people who knew him in his local area have provided similar statements, painting a picture of someone who doesn’t fit the terrorist or jihadist profile. Of course, that doesn’t mean he wasn’t someone who just hid it well.

The suspected ringleader of the Paris attacks, the Belgian national, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, obviously is or was an ISIL member, one of the many French or Belgian citizens who’d gone over to Syria to wage war on Syrians. He may well have been orchestrating the attack, either from Syria or in France. He may have been enabled to do so by French or international intelligence agencies, or he may just be a convenient scapegoat because he fits the profile so well.

We don’t need to have any sympathy for someone like him, as he is by all accounts a violent jihadist and terrorist; that doesn’t mean, however, that he masterminded these attacks on his own or that ISIL carried out this attack on their own.

What’s almost certain, however, is that there were no suicide-bombers. So if real terrorists were carrying out the shootings, what was the point of faking the suicide bombings?

There were also no Syrians involved, even if one or more of the alleged attackers may have been in Syria at some points. And none were Syrian refugees, despite what a lot of commentators – particularly in America – are trying to suggest.

More? Just as with the Charlie Hebdo attackers, and just as with the Sydney Siege lone-wolf, it emerges that French and Belgian intelligence already knew about the attackers and their jihadist backgrounds. Moreover, it has emerged that Turkey had already warned the French authorities about what was going to happen, just as Australian authorities had been warned by Iran about the Sydney Siege lone-wolf. Iraqi intelligence, meanwhile, warned French authorities of an imminent attack and provided specific details about the operation that the French government has yet to make public.


It is further admitted that the Syrian passport found at one of the bomb sites was a fake and was planted; presumably just to firmly plant the idea in our minds that Syria is the source and the problem.

The language is also very telling. You’ll keep hearing politicians or news organisations talking about ‘Syrian terrorists’ or the ‘jihadists from Syria’; this is all designed to make people view ‘Syria’ as the enemy, despite the fact that ‘Syria’ has had the so-called ‘Islamic State’ imposed upon it by foreign backers and is a victim of the terrorists. ‘Syria’ has been fighting the ‘ISIS’ terrorists for years. But this is all clever mis-use of language intended to paint ‘Syria’ as the villain, when Syria is in fact the victim.

 Refugees in Europe, 2015 

This is to the extent that even Syrian refugees are now being vilified further.

Despite no evidence that the Paris attackers were refugees or migrants (they are all, so far, EU nationals), the backlash against refugees has predictably begun. 26 American states are now opposing taking in any of the Syrian refugees who are fleeing the terrorism that the United States government (and others) imported into Syria. 

A CNN journalist has been suspended after tweeting her support for Syrian refugees, while presidential candidate Donald Trump says Muslims should be forced to wear ‘special ID badges’; which quite naturally evokes Nazi treatment of Jews in the approach to the Holocaust. Though this is by no means the first thing in this refugee crisis to quite lucidly evoke the Holocaust. Also predictable, hateful sentiments towards general, law-abiding Muslims, and hate-crimes, are rising, as they always do following terrorist incidents.

I’ve already posted in-depth about the misinformation being circulated to demonise refugees (see here).

At any rate, with or without actual ISIL adherents involved, it is increasingly evident that this has been a stage-managed operation stemming from an equally stage-managed root crisis.

There is also a lot more to it, it seems, involving a discernible push towards an Orwellian state paradigm and an obvious homage being paid to massive occult/esoteric symbolism in Paris, which may be much more significant than you would at first think; I have written a much bigger piece on that larger, more unsettling aspect to the Paris attacks.

Read more: ‘Paris, the City of ISIS, Major Occult Symbolism & Mass Hypnosis Conditioning…’

S. Awan

Independent journalist. Pariah. Believer in human rights, human dignity and liberty. Musician. Substandard Jedi. All-round failure. And future ghost.


  1. See video: Geroid O’Coleman Paris Attack



    As followers of us our duty to expose evil….EVERYWHERE!!!

    Ok..BORN AND RAISED LEGAL HISPANIC AMERICAN…Where do I sign up, and can Trump stop the intelligence mafia network that’s targeting U.S. whistleblowers, and just because I have a beardbeard..does not make me a MUSLIM!!!!ISLAM is demonic. Read first 4 chaps..from app on play store.


    So…I decide to take a walk in the late afternoon. As I walk across the parking lot..a BIG BLACK MAN, security guard salutes me, and another one dressed in scrubs, having a peculiarly treacherous and dim witted stare. As much as I have sought to defend the African American ….truly…they are mental midgets at doubt at all (I AM HISPANIC AMERICAN 53). Anyway, he asked me how I was…I said Blessed by Yeshua. I even showed him my shirt with Yeshua on it. He asked: WHATS THAT? I explain…and move on, but as I do…he signals a few people. Later, what appears to be a fat white…undercover cop…nearly runs me over, and two black women, appear to be staking out my home. Friends…I have lost all respect for the black man. I am Hispanic. I suppose seeing the beard frightened them. In any case…the stalking continues. Hopefully I won’t wind up another patsy in their false flag ops. You’d think they be busy enough with other criminal activity. In another state…I attempted to report what appeared to be..ILLEGAL drug activity. As I am speaking to officer, three other cops ambush me…falsely accuse me, threaten me, and finally release me. Helicopters began hovering over my property, a camera was placed in front of my home, cops would covertly stalk me in town…and even had a guy in a hood flash a knife at the area. They have been sending creepy agent looking people to my property also ( apparently tagging things) , and I believe it was because I had voiced my opinion concerning 911 on live call in CSPAN. One night I witnessed them attempting to sneak into my home ( see SNEAK AND PEEK), etc. Even placed stationary night drones over my property. My electronics totally sabotaged..see PHANTOM CENSORING. LIFE IN THE POLICE TERROR STATE 2016…AIDED BY THE SLAVE BRAINED BLACK…AND OTHERS. GOD HELP US ALL.

  2. Ok..BORN AND RAISED LEGAL HISPANIC AMERICAN…Where do I sign up, and can Trump stop the intelligence mafia network that’s targeting U.S. whistleblowers, and just because I have a beardbeard..does not make me a MUSLIM!!!!ISLAM is demonic. Read first 4 chaps..from app on play store.


    So…I decide to take a walk in the late afternoon. As I walk across the parking lot..a BIG BLACK MAN, security guard salutes me, and another one dressed in scrubs, having a peculiarly treacherous and dim witted stare. As much as I have sought to defend the African American ….truly…they are mental midgets at doubt at all (I AM HISPANIC AMERICAN 53). Anyway, he asked me how I was…I said Blessed by Yeshua. I even showed him my shirt with Yeshua on it. He asked: WHATS THAT? I explain…and move on, but as I do…he signals a few people. Later, what appears to be a fat white…undercover cop…nearly runs me over, and two black women, appear to be staking out my home. Friends…I have lost all respect for the black man. I am Hispanic. I suppose seeing the beard frightened them. In any case…the stalking continues. Hopefully I won’t wind up another patsy in their false flag ops. You’d think they be busy enough with other criminal activity. In another state…I attempted to report what appeared to be..ILLEGAL drug activity. As I am speaking to officer, three other cops ambush me…falsely accuse me, threaten me, and finally release me. Helicopters began hovering over my property, a camera was placed in front of my home, cops would covertly stalk me in town…and even had a guy in a hood flash a knife at the area. They have been sending creepy agent looking people to my property also ( apparently tagging things) , and I believe it was because I had voiced my opinion concerning 911 on live call in CSPAN. One night I witnessed them attempting to sneak into my home ( see SNEAK AND PEEK), etc. Even placed stationary night drones over my property. My electronics totally sabotaged..see PHANTOM CENSORING. LIFE IN THE POLICE TERROR STATE 2016…AIDED BY THE SLAVE BRAINED BLACK…AND OTHERS. GOD HELP US ALL.


    the latter part of this page – scroll down a bit – australian group discusses Paris and how photo montages of ‘victims’ match the same faces off other false flag operations!
    It’s a bit long to go into here but I’ve read a very detailed explaination of how it’s quite possible NO ONE died in the twin towers incident!!! Based on idea buildings were purpose built to be destroyed that way, quite a lot of people were in on it and sworn to secrecy, but they only agreed to because they knew no one would really die. The faces of victims were one half of a photo stuck to another half of a photo – it is possible to manufacture quite a lot of new faces of people by cutting a photo in half as…any way long story . People have also checked the metadata of the photos and found they all had the same datestamp! And it was dated after the event! Or possible dated at some strange point – like everyones facebook was created exactly 6 months before or something.

    So based on what you’ve said it is quite possible that no one died or very few. just like the advertisments on ‘craigs list’ for extras to pretend to be blown up in boston marathon – and shown on film to have fake prosthetic limbs coming off BEFORE the explosion occurred –

    • Thanks Matthew. I always hesitate when it comes to questioning whether the ‘dead’ actually existed or actually died in things like this, because it’s obviously distasteful if people did die and we’re questioning that.
      It’s definitely an interesting aspect though. In terms of both Boston and these Paris attacks, there does seem to be an ambiguity.
      All footage seemed to be highly sanitised and stage-managed.
      As someone said recently, if 130 people were killed in Paris, it would be interesting for the authorities to publicly name each of those victims and have the families officially confirm.

      • I think you article has a lot of truth. My question is this. If these terrorists are really out there…where are they? Why are there not 100 shootings a day? Anyone can buy a gun and use it this way. They are gathering in Paris today for a big memorial. Yet, these gunmen could be there too?

        • Yeah, good question; and that’s even more the case in America than in Europe.

  4. The way these terrorist attacks are being carried out is quite cleverly done to confuse the public, media, governments and intel organizations alike.
    All these attacks have two components to it, one is the patsies which are strung along by undercover ops who infiltrated or entrapped would be terrorists. And these patsies carry out a fake attack with ammo given to them which are dummies and ‘explosives’ which is going to blow up.
    These guys are then hunted down and killed so they won’t tell no tales!
    The other part is played out by the professionals from CIA/Mossad who perpetrate the real atrocity and thus they have a prefect cover. They are mostly unseen and all the public sees are the patsies.
    9/11 was a classic in this mold.
    You can see it here in the Paris attack where eyewitness accounts tell of a very callous, coldblooded, professional hit carried out on a café/bar where the guys pulled up in their black Mercedes and calmly killed people like shooting at tin cans.
    This method of conducting a parallel operation has everyone confused and they get away with it every time!

    Also remember that in EVERY instance of one of these Terrorists atacks there were simultaneous ‘Exercises’ conducted of the exact same nature as the actual event.
    Paris is no exception as has been revealed! They carried out exercises and thus ‘were prepared’ for the ensuing carnage as one guy inadvertently spilled the beans!

  5. Just a thought to throw out there as I stopped watching Western television years ago… I’ve not seen the full coverage of 13th “attack” but have noticed several posts on foreign forums noting that both CNN & SKY News coverage that night appeared to be leading the “terrorists” around. Could that account for why they drove past Bataclan and hit a lesser target first then came back??? Also one account on a Mexican news network had the family of a young female whom they had talked to her boyfriend and she was right beside him fine but a few hours later she was claimed as one of the Bataclan victims even though he said they had left there and been taken for questioning by police. So how did she die?? Only 1 picture from inside there has shown up and it doesn’t look like a real crime scene should.

    • Wow, I haven’t seen the Mexican news clip – that’s extremely interesting.

      • I can’t find it now. Wondering if it got removed soon after it was shown…sure didn’t fit the storyline and the family was totally confused in it. I’ll try some of the mexican news sites but that country is dangerous to report from – almost as bad as Turkey.

  6. I also noted the footage of one of the “victims” running into the restaurant under a hail of bullets…still finding time to slow to text on her mobile phone. I am sorry but that is ridiculous…I have been under fire in Gaza and you do NOT take time to fffing well text on your get the hell out of the area and you THROW yourself under any shelter you can find.

    • Thanks Vanessa. Yeah, I’m pretty convinced now there was no explosion, no bomb, no bomber. Someone was saying to me that in American sports stadiums they often pipe in artificial noises via the speaker system – special effects for dramatic purposes, or sometimes even crowd noises when sports teams are doing a practise session, etc. It seems possible they just piped in a simulated ‘explosion’ noise in the Stade de France.

        • Wasn’t aware of that, but it doesn’t surprise me.
          As for my next piece, it might be a bit too off-the-wall for a sophisticated journalist of your caliber: Masonic/’Illuminati’ references and all.

          • lol as Patrick Henningsen says to me when I start to get embroiled in the subject, particularly in France where virtually the entire Government do belong to the Grand Orient lodge…leave it to the experts. SO I will leave it to you and shall look forward to reading. 🙂

    • Why are there surprisingly no GENUINE Parisian witnesses to any of these so-called events in Paris who can testify to the real truth about what REALLY happened there…….we are sick and tired of being fed arrant bullshit!!

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