Jerusalem is regarded as an international city, under a world body protectorate.
That is its prevailing status.
The United Nations has affirmed in a number of resolutions that continued Zionist colonisation of Jerusalem is illegal under international law. Every Zionist settlement in illegally occupied East Jerusalem is a direct contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which forbids an occupying power from transferring colonists into the areas it occupies.
The UN Partition Plan in 1947 – which divided Palestine between Jewish and Arab states – was clear to grant Jerusalem special status, placing it under international sovereignty and control. To some, this situation isn’t ideal – but to most, it’s the situation that works.
This special status was based on the historic city’s cultural and religious importance to Muslims, Christians and Jews, meaning that no one party should have control over it. Jerusalem houses some of the most important buildings or locations in all three religions and has always been a melting pot of all three – and other – communities.
Apart from Donald Trump, no leader or country in the world recognises Israeli claims to Jerusalem – and no country has its embassy in Jerusalem (including, at this time, the United States).
Juan Cole does a good job of laying out the case here way back in 2010 for why East Jerusalem doesn’t belong to Israel.
It is generally understood that Israel has no legally recognised claim to Jerusalem, that annexation of Jerusalem was never part of any internationally-recognised agreement, that every Zionist settlement or house in occupied Jerusalem is illegal, and that any Israeli move to annex Jerusalem will have dire consequences.
Zionist agents in various countries, however, have been openly pushing for the annexation of Jerusalem in recent years. In fact, various political figures or parties (the Austrian Far-Right, for example) have gone to Israel and made “the Jerusalem Declaration”.
Trump isn’t the only one. Geert “What We Need is Zionism For Europe” Wilders was calling for complete Israeli annexation during his bid to win the recent Dutch election, while Trump has previously expressed support for the Zionist claim to seize Jerusalem and make it the Israeli state capital and Jewish national capital – in keeping with Biblical Prophecy and evangelical ‘End Times’ agenda.
An alternate title for this article could be ‘Armageddon – an organised event starring the fanatical zealots of all three Abrahamic religions’. And, of course, it has to center on Jerusalem. Where else?
READ MORE: ‘The END-TIMES Deception: Babylon, the Coming Messiah, the Masonic Temple & Forced Prophecy…‘
And that’s what’s scary. Even Donald Trump, in all his cluelessness, surely understands that there’s nothing non-dangerous or non-loaded about making toxic and unnecessary statements about that city. It’s as if the cheerleaders for the apocalypse are all getting geared up for the big event, doing whatever they now can to push it into motion.
The underlying reason for the longstanding Zionist/nationalist agenda for occupying Jerusalem is to seize the Temple Mount and rebuild Solomon’s Temple – an event that relates to the coming of the Jewish Messiah (and for Christian Zionists, to the Second Coming of Christ).
What is extraordinarily stupid about this is that those two ideas or expectations – the coming of the Jewish Messiah and the Second Coming of Jesus – are fundamentally contradictory.
Nonetheless, for a good understanding of the true nature of this Zionist/American agenda for the ‘Holy Land’, see Grace Halsell’s article here, or seek out his book Forcing God’s Hand, which exposes the strange alliance between millions of ‘born again’ American Christians who long for the ‘Rapture’ and ‘Armageddon’ and believe it all hinges on the land of Israel.
The main problem with this idea of rebuilding Solomon’s Temple is of course that it will require the demolition of the Al-Aqsa mosque – an act that could potentially set off a religious/sectarian conflict like nothing seen in recent times.
That’s kind of the point, however.
Victoria Clark’s 2007 book, Allies for Armageddon: The Rise of Christian Zionism, is also a good resource for understanding the apocalyptic/religious dynamics of the Zionist/US alliance in regard to the Holy Land.
Again, in this context, we should remind ourselves that President Trump (backed by the Zionist propagandist and apocalypse-enthusiast Steve Bannon) did express his support for Jerusalem being seized and made the Israeli capital quite some time ago. This isn’t some new, shocking thing – as the MSM seems to think it is – but has always been a stated part of the Trump/Bannon/Kushner agenda.
Which is why it is no surprise that both Bannon and Kushner fund illegal Zionist demolition of Palestinian homes and colonisation of occupied territory.
So after all these years, is the Zionist movement finally maneuvering to seize the Temple Mount and begin the prophesied rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple?
The answer is most likely yes. It has been planned by certain elements in Israel for a long time; but it was waiting for the right sets of circumstances to be in place.
It has long been regarded as an event that – as inevitable as it might be – would probably trigger off a major conflict. From even when I was a child, I remember being told by someone older than me that Israel would never go that far because it would set off a Holy War.
However, those were simpler times.
There is already holy war in some form or another going on across virtually the entire Middle East; and with both the regional and the Western powers fully distracted with jihadists, Syria, Iraq, Yemen and the Iran/Saudi proxy war, now is the perfect time for the extreme right-wing government in Israel to move on the Temple Mount.
With everything else going on in the Middle East, the plight of the Palestinian people has been pushed into the background of regional concerns, and moreover the across-the-board demonisation and mistrust of ‘Muslims’ and of Islamic militancy in the West that has occurred in the last 10 – 15 years has eroded a lot of the international sympathy for the Palestinians (even though Palestinians are also Christian).
I am increasingly convinced all of that has been by design.
And that it goes as far back as the assassination of the moderate and peace-seeking Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in 1994 (by Zionist-Jewish extremists) and the later assassination of PLO figurehead Yasser Arafat (via pollonium poisoning and almost certainly by Mossad).
Just to say something else here, before we carry on: every government or country is entitled to (or, more accurately, expected to) look out for its own self-interests, sometimes even via nefarious, convoluted means. Most countries do it, especially powerful countries.
But there does come a point where you’re just taking the piss.
I wrote in a very long article early this year about the warning that had been issued from *within* Israel about an extremist take-over that had occurred within the Israeli government; including a warning by a former Israeli Prime Minister (Ehud Barak) about the “seeds of fascism” that were present in what others were calling “the most extreme government in Israeli history”.
I argued in that same article that a lot of the crises going on elsewhere – that we think are entirely unrelated to the situation in Israel – might in fact be entirely connected to the agenda of that extreme government in Israel. And I concluded in that piece that the central purpose of all of this was to place Israel in a position to be able to make a play for Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.
Interestingly, although the right-wing nationalists in Israel have sought annexation of Jerusalem for a long time – along with seizure of the Temple Mount; they have never been in a position to do so, due to international opposition (as well as domestic opposition within Israel) and the political make-up of (1) a Western world-order mostly dominated by liberal political parties that, despite their general support for Israel as a state, would not support forceful annexation of Jerusalem, and (2) an Arab world dominated by strong, independent states and leaders who (until relatively recently) generally supported the Palestinians and were a threat to Israeli military ambitions.
More interestingly, as I argued in this older article, Neo-Con-led geopolitics from the PNAC-orchestrated 9/11 onward have already ensured that the key regional states that might’ve intervened militarily against Israel in the event of full annexation of the Holy Land (or whose military power and strong, independent nature might’ve acted as a deterrent) – specifically the Pan-Arabists (like Gaddafi) and the Ba’athists (like Syria and pre-war Iraq) – are no longer in a position to do so.
In fact, every one of those regimes has either been toppled by the Neo-Cons or collapsed from the so-called Arab Spring (leaving now only Iran, Lebanon and whatever’s left of Syria).
In effect, something that no Israeli government could’ve really done twenty years ago is now wholly possible, because the way has been cleared: from the removal of Arafat and perceived de-legitimisation of Palestinian organisations/authorities to the proxy warfare waged on neighbouring Arab states to weaken them, the widespread encouragement of Islamophobia and demonisation of Muslims, the psychological warfare of the Islamist terror wave in Europe and the West (so that Palestinian terrorism can be equated in the popular mind with the virus of broader Islamist extremism – even the methods of all terror attacks in Europe seem to mimick older Palestinian attacks), and, finally, the conditions – and propaganda arrangements – being right for pro-Zionist nationalist-populists like Trump and Wilders to come into place to advocate for militant Zionism and to work to legitimise actions that are wholly illegitimate.
Quite simply, the time is finally right – and having true Zionist supporters or agents in the White House (as opposed to a reluctant ally like an Obama) is arguably the final piece of the equation.
This has all been building for some time, step by step. Two years ago, when groups of extreme Jewish-nationalists – backed by paramilitary – were violating the mosque area, with Palestinian access to the Old City being more and more restricted and illegal Zionist colonists seizing more and more Palestinian homes, Mazin Qumsiyeh wrote ‘It is now clear that there is an orchestrated campaign to destroy the indigenous presence here. The Israeli military occupiers have decided to close down the Old City of Jerusalem to Palestinians while allowing Israeli Jews to rampage, taunt and attack the native Jerusalemites, Christians and Muslims…’
Indeed, that crisis at that time – which included multiple Palestinian knife attacks on Israelis and instances of some Jewish/Zionist settlers setting fire to Palestinians in Jerusalem and calling for “shoah” against the non-Jewish population – might well have been a partly (or wholly) manufactured situation to act as a dry-run for what might need to happen in the future.
Some even then were claiming it was a manufactured situation: if it was (and I don’t know if it was or wasn’t), it might’ve been to see what would happen if Zionist zealots began to act more aggressively in Jerusalem.
On a similar note, if Trump genuinely moves towards Jerusalem being made Israeli capital, it is liable to provoke a resurgence in Palestinian attacks – which, in turn, will give the Israeli military all the justification it needs to take harsh, sweeping actions (witness ‘Operation Protective Edge‘ in 2014). The day afyer Trump’s Jerusalem announcement, there was already talk from some quarters of “a new intifada”.
Likewise, it seems likely that Trump’s announcement was also designed to provoke further backlash or inflame further anger across the Middle East, allowing a further escalation of the much sought-after ‘clash of civilisations’ scenario that many of the key players (including apocalypticist Steve Bannon, who has spoken at length about wanting an apocalyptic showdown between – in his mind – a Judaeo/Christian Crusader-style West and Radical Islam) seem to believe in.
Of course, it gets worse.
Zionist Jewish nationalists want to ‘rebuild the Temple’; as in what they perceive to be Solomon’s ancient temple, destroyed by Vespasian and the Romans in AD 79.
The only way to do this is to demolish the Al-Aqsa mosque. And the only people who want this to happen more than Jewish nationalists are the Christian/American Zionists, specifically right-wing evangelicals who fully back ultra-nationalist Jewish activity in Jerusalem, simply because they want to trigger a Third World War and, more importantly, the Biblical ‘Armageddon’ and subsequent Second Coming of Christ.
Why? Because they believe they – as pure, ‘Born Again’ Christians – will survive the ‘rapture’ and be raised by Jesus, while the rest of the world burns.
Israeli Zionist extremists in Jerusalem are fully backed and funded by American Christian zealots who want the Second Coming and the ‘rapture’ (despite the fact that Jewish lore insists the rebuilding of the Temple will mean the arrival of the Jewish Messiah and not the Christian version of Jesus – as pointed out earlier, it’s completely contradictory).
It’s also fair to say that the Christan evangelical Zionists don’t care at all about the traditional Christians of Jerusalem and Palestine – you know, the proper Christians who pre-date modern evangelical McChristianity by a few dozen centuries?
To make matters even more perverse, Muslims also believe that a ‘Second Coming’ of the Christian Jesus is to occur, but the fundamentalist Islamic view/prophecy has it that whoever the so-called Jewish ‘Messiah’ is (whose arrival is meant to be foreshadowed by the rebuilding of the temple), he is to be regarded as ‘the Anti Christ’.
In other words, the moment the Al-Aqsa is demolished and the Temple of Solomon is ‘restored’, we are probably looking at a Holy War to end all Holy Wars.
Even more perversely, as I’ve explored before (see here), some of this has already been playing out with the ‘Islamic State’ group in Iraq and Syria, with the so-called ISIS ‘Caliph’ – Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi – being fabricated to play into Islamic prophecies about the End of the World and to convince would-be jihadist recruits that the End-of-the-World struggle between Good and Evil was in play.
For the record, there have long been claims that Baghdadi was an Israeli Mossad agent named Shimon Elliot. I’ve never particularly subscribed to that theory – my own belief, based on various sources, is that the so-called ‘caliph’ Baghdadi never really existed and was a fictional figurehead crafted to help all of those events gather momentum.
A key part of the ISIS psy-op was to bewitch or frighten people – both those in the terror group and those civilians in areas or towns that ISIS was taking over – with the idea that what was playing out was the Islamic ‘End-Times’ prophecy.
One wonders then if much of what is intended to play out over Jerusalem is also intended to excite or bewitch those who subsribe to Christian End-Times theology or Jewish Messianic expectations. Clearly that is what’s driving most of this: my question is whether those at the top of the agenda genuinely believe in all this stuff or whether it is simply a vehicle for bringing about some other objective or desired state of affairs.
But the point is that, across the board – whether it’s in the camps of extreme Islamism or in the camps of zealous Zionists or ‘End-Times’ Christians – we appear to be looking at deluded, zealous lunatics and apocalypse-fantasists.
Related: ‘SEEDS OF FASCISM – The Extraordinary Links Between International Zionists and Far-Right Populists‘, ‘Russia-Gate – Trump, Israel and the Real Collusion‘, ‘How the Zionist Project Won‘…
Christian Zionism is the most vile heresy of our times. But, do please not forget that not all Christians are eschatological (end times) Christians or Christian Zionists.
I acknowledge that entirely, Larry. I hope that’s clear in the article too. I think I do always say Christian Zionists rather than ‘Christians’.
The British missionary John Nelson Darby spread the religion under discussion composed out of suitable but by no means selfevidently well-chosen elements from the bible as well as his own creative interpretations.
Darby’s career as a missionary has the traits of a British geopolitical agent of influence.
And the British elites during that era had been planning the Israel project as a buffer state against the French and Russian rivals ever since Napoleon took to develop Egypt inspired by Leibniz.
The term ‘rapture’ was apparently coined by Darby according to Mike Minnicino
I havent read Victoria Clark’s book but the comments on amazon dont mention the crucial role played by the British oligarchy which simultaneously stimulated antijewish as well as communist currents.
Illuminati and the french revolution, zionism, nazism, communism, the muslim brotherhood from later times all were intimately tied to British masterminds. And so was the takeover of american evangelists. All of them contain a tendency towards destruction including selfdestruction. According to Webster Tarpley, the ISIS-cult constitutes an element the British inserted in order to turn these isms into a weapon in the service of the British empire.
Thank you Peter; you always bring more to the table.
Well said bro. Having a few days off the net but this an informative last-read for a bit. Nothing new to add. Will ponder your consideration. Started wondering if this whole debacle by Trump and co, didn’t matter, quite so much. Even read somewhere, could be a counter-intuitive, double-cross. Trump not quite the all-Zionist assumed. Reckon y’might be right though and that deluded a design. Put forward persuasive and disturbing arguments. Thinking on. Thanks.
AND, Trump stands to make a LOT of money if he is allowed to build in East Jerusalem
Reblogged this on Floating-voter and commented:
Not forgetting that Trumps biggest campaign donor was Sheldon Adelson, who is reported elsewhere to have called in the favour:
In the meantime, my sky fairies are better than your sky fairies!
No, no, MY sky fairies are the best of all.