So… the Pentagon’s long-awaited and much-hyped report on UFOs has arrived.
And, perhaps predictably, nothing much has been said or established in the report. The merely nine-page document seems to express next to nothing: and leaves the entire matter completely open-ended.
Which raises the question of what all this hype has been about.
The prospect of some kind of significant UFO-related disclosure had resulted in the US news media being filled with discussion about UFOs in the last several months: clearly – and deliberately – giving people the sense that something significant was coming.
Speaking as someone who really was into the whole UFOs/aliens thing as a teenager in the 1990s, back then the idea of mainstream/corporate news channels talking about UFO incidents and asking questions about unexplained phenomena with this much regularity would’ve seemed almost absurd.
On the one hand, the media was clearly taking its cue from the Pentagon: giving the subject previously unprecedented air-time to drum up and sustain interest in whatever it was the Pentagon was going to end up revealing in June.
In truth, I would’ve been extremely surprised if the Pentagon had come out and said anything along the lines of ‘Aliens are Real’ or ‘We are being visited by advanced inter-dimensional beings’, etc – or any of the more colorful things that some people might’ve imagined. Don’t worry – we’re going to do plenty of that in this article: considering everything from planned ‘alien invasions’, ‘Breakaway Civilisations’ and secret ‘Space Forces’ to no-less-interesting theories rooted in Nazi Germany.
But as far as this official Pentagon report goes, my guess was always that the most we’d get is an open question: and at least the lingering implication of incidents and technologies involving possible non-human or non-earthly origins.
It would then be left to the media – and to people in general – to draw their own conclusions. That seems to be where we are.
In truth, however, it would be incorrect to say that the Pentagon’s report is an empty statement or entirely a ‘non-statement’. Simply the admission that they don’t know what some of these things are is, in essence, a pretty big step forward – certainly when compared to the way the subject has been handled in the past, where obfuscation, denial or cover-up had been preferred over any open sign of vulnerability.
Simply admitting that they can’t explain the majority of these 144 incidents is, in effect, leaving the door wide open to interpretations and arguments.
But what’s odd here is that it seems quite obvious that the Pentagon and the media were working in conjunction on this matter: building up the hype and sense of expectation. Given how little of substance is in the report, one then has to wonder why.
And WHY did the Pentagon plan to reveal *anything* at all?
Why did Trump put the UFO disclosure clause into the COVID relief bill in the first place?
Trump is on record as saying he doesn’t really believe in UFOs or aliens: there has to be a reason this thing was set up. And it can’t be because the Pentagon wants to ‘reveal the truth’ about UFOs: let’s dismiss that right from the outset.
So, let’s backtrack a little over the last few months, and then assess what this report actually consists of: and then, if we can, try to navigate our way towards what the likeliest ‘truth’ equation might be – even though this can only be, by definition, speculative.
As something of a ‘warm up’ act for the June report to Congress, a handful of UFO videos were getting media attention in the US. In April, the Defense Department released a series of videos of craft that it simply labeled “aerial phenomena” that remain “unidentified.”
However, it’s important to note that these weren’t new videos: these tic-tac UFO videos had already been in circulation for several years, one from 2004 and two from 2015. It would be more accurate to say that these were re-released videos, albeit with the Pentagon making them ‘official’ (whereas they’d previously been considered ‘leaked’ videos).
Subsequent to the re-emergence of the tic-tac navy videos, there has also been the more interesting ‘pyramid’ UFO footage – which has also done the rounds in the news media and been discussed on mainstream news networks. The green-tinged video was captured by the Pentagon’s Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) and apparently leaked to the documentary filmmaker Jeremy Corbell. It appears to show a pyramid-shaped unidentified object, apparently hovering over the USS Russell in July 2019.
I covered the pyramid UFO business in this previous post: asking questions also about the unexplained pyramid object pictured over the Pentagon itself in 2019.
That pyramid-over-the-Pentagon incident itself hasn’t been referenced in this report: which seems like a curious omission – again, because it was the Pentagon itself! And that incident fell very much into the limited time-frame the Pentagon report was focusing on.
Corbell described the USS Russell pyramid-shaped object as “probably the best UFO military-filmed footage certainly that I’ve ever seen, but I think also that the world has ever seen.”
Mick West, the author of Escaping the Rabbit Hole, poured cold water on the footage, claiming there are plausible explanations for the three flashing UFOs seen in the video. “What we’ve got to go with here is the simplest explanation and really the simplest explanation is that it’s just a plane. It moves like a plane, it acts like a plane..’
He said the flashing lights seen coming from the object are similar to FAA-compliant lights on all normal airplanes. “If you look at the video, you see it’s kind of flashing and it’s not flashing at a regular rate,” West said. “You can see it’s a bit less than 1 degree per second, which translates to about 400 to 450 knots, which is the exact same speed that the planes in that region were flying. At that time, that’s the speed that they fly over that area going towards Los Angeles. So, in every way, it matches a plane…”
I’m not passing any conclusive judgement, but it’s odd that this footage that Corbell describes as “the best of all time” can apparently be so easily explained away by someone like West.
It’s also curious that the Pentagon is ‘leaking’ videos via filmmaker Jeremy Corbell: who himself never comes across as the most reliable or trustworthy source. It was Corbell who recently made the film about Bob Lazar and his alleged time at Area 51: a film that was generally panned as being a vanity project for Corbell himself and revealing nothing new or useful about Lazar’s story.
I actually happen to think that Lazar has always come across as a credible person – and that his claims about having worked on reverse-engineering crashed UFOs at Area 51 are extremely compelling. But Corbell did him no favours.
West also spent time debunking the aforementioned tic-tac videos, suggesting there are perfectly mundane explanations for the perceived oddities.
And sure, West could just be a professional debunker (there are lots of those). But, for UFO videos that have apparently got the media all excited and worked up, it’s odd that they’re somewhat less fascinating than any number of other alleged UFO videos or incidents that have been out there for years: and which the media typically takes no interest in.
I mean, for one thing, Washington DC was pretty much invaded by UFOs in 1952: and this included UFOs appearing over both the White House and the US Capitol. The fact that this series of events isn’t widespread public knowledge is extraordinary: but ask most people and they’ve probably never heard about what happened in Washington in 1952.
Yet, all of a sudden, and in the midst of a pandemic, UFOs were suddenly the big news of the day: and the US news networks couldn’t stop talking about the matter.
I mean, sure, I get that the news channels probably think its ‘okay’ to be interested in these particular incidents or videos – because of the source of them being the Pentagon. But… there have been all kinds of reports or cases involving UFOs and military installations, aeroplanes, fighter pilots, and even nuclear facilities.
Why didn’t any of THAT arouse this level of interest or coverage in the past?
For example, Robert Hastings, a UFO researcher and author of the book UFOs and Nukes: Extraordinary Encounters at Nuclear Weapons Sites, interviewed more than 160 veterans who witnessed strange things in the skies around nuclear sites specifically.
Among numerous other incidents, there were the “green fireballs” reported in the skies near atomic laboratories in New Mexico, where the atomic bomb was first developed and tested. In fact, a declassified FBI document from 1950 talks about flying saucers seen near the Los Alamos test sites.
UFO incidents involving nuclear sites have been widespread, including in the UK. Even the famous Rendelsham Forest incident in the UK in 1980 took place very close to where nuclear weapons were being stored.
In 2010, Air Force personnel even gave testimony about cases of UFOs actually deactivating nukes at various sites. And this was clearly not limited to America, but was a phenomenon that was known to have occurred in the Soviet Union.
Mass media interest in those cases didn’t appear to exist. But in 2021 the US media has changed its tune all of a sudden: clearly, again, because its taking its cues from the military-industrial complex.
Also, the Pentagon’s report is limited to 144 cases spanning from between 2004 and 2021: meaning that all kinds of highly significant incidents – including the aforementioned Washington DC UFO invasion of 1952 or the various encounters at nuclear sites – have been left out of the equation and are not being discussed, even though they should in theory be highly significant to any discussion of the UFO phenomenon in the context of national security.
Now, to be clear about the limited context of this report, the Pentagon’s focus is entirely and exclusively on incidents relating to or involving the military: it isn’t concerning itself with any of the broader phenomenon of UFO sightings or encounters involving civilians and ordinary people (which would constitute the majority of alleged UFO incidents or sightings over the decades).
The context seems to be entirely about military-related encounters: and the entire subject is framed in a strictly military context (principally the level of national security threat that is or isn’t posed by these unexplained objects or events).
That in itself is interesting, for reasons that I will circle back to.
But let’s be real: the only stuff the Pentagon is going to reveal is the stuff the Pentagon is comfortable revealing. It is ridiculous to think the Pentagon is going to explain *everything* it knows about the long history of UFO incidents (going back decades)… just because Trump asked them to in the COVID bill.
I said earlier that Trump said he doesn’t believe in aliens or UFOs – despite Israeli claims that Trump was on the “verge of revealing” the existence of an intergalactic treaty, but pulled back out of fear of inciting a “mass hysteria”.
But what Trump certainly did/does believe in is the ‘Space Force’. The guy couldn’t shut up about that thing. “We should have a new force called the Space Force,” Trump said. “It’s like the Army and the Navy, but for space, because we’re spending a lot of money on space.”
Which is interesting: because then we have to circle back to Steven Greer’s claim that the military-industrial complex is seeking to stage a fake alien threat in order to justify the weaponization of space. In Greer’s view, we should be clear, aliens and ET presences are real: but are apparently not a threat. The ‘threat’, in his view, is going to be manufactured by the military.
I’ve never been sure what I think of Greer in general: however, Greer’s logic regarding aliens as a threat makes sense, if we think about it: if you believe – as Greer does – that aliens are real, then they’ve had decades (or more) to do whatever it is they might do in terms of overtly hostile action. Given that the modern UFO phenomenon goes back *at least* to the late 1940s, they’ve had all that time to carry out an attack, but apparently haven’t done so. Deactivating or neutralising nukes (as in some of the cases cited above) doesn’t count as threatening behaviour: if anything, it implies self-defense.
And in the cases that the Pentagon report is talking about, no hostile action or activity was implied or reported, even though these were technically military encounters.
I’m not saying that, if aliens exist, they’re all warm and fuzzy or angelic-like: but Greer’s logic makes sense – the decades of evidence doesn’t seem suggestive of any active threat in the military sense. And, if the kind of capabilities apparently displayed in the tic-tac videos (and numerous other reported UFO encounters) are anything to go by, we’d be talking about technologies advanced enough that they could easily neutralise or even destroy conventional military weapons or technologies if they wanted to.
But, coming back to this current discussion of UFOs in the context of national security, the thing is that Greer’s claim would fit with the idea of the ‘Space Force’.
Now, understandably, when some of us hear about ‘Space Force’ we might think of something noble and pleasant like the fictional Starfleet in Star Trek: but that might not be what the real-life ‘Space Force’ is like. More importantly, the implication is strongly there that this ‘Space Force’ – or something very much like it – already exists and has existed for quite a while already.
In fact, this was the whole controversy that surrounded the British hacker Gary McKinnon and the US government’s attempts to have him extradited to America. McKinnon (who actually lives in my little neck of the woods) had hacked Pentagon computers because he was looking for information about UFOs and aliens: what’s important is that what McKinnon claimed to have discovered (and the reason they were trying for so long to extradite him to the US) was not evidence of actual extra-terrestrials, but evidence of literally the ‘Space Force’ – the existence of secret military programmes taking place in outer space and involving *actual outer-space personnel* registries and files.
To recap: McKinnon seemingly exposed the existence of a secret space programme in 2002 when he hacked into top-secret US government data and discovered references to “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers”. What McKinnon claimed to have discovered was something called ‘Solar Warden’ – a code name for the secret space fleet that has apparently been in operation since 1980.
McKinnon says he discovered an excel spreadsheet with, among other things, a list of names of people working in this secret space programme.
McKinnon explained, in his trial, that he saw evidence of reverse-engineered alien technologies, anti-gravity technology, and the existence of a space fleet with the capabilities of significant space travel. ‘Solar Warden’ is believed by some to have been started at the same time as the Star Wars Defensive Initiative that was made famous by Ronald Reagan and which was run by the Naval Space Command (or known as the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command – NNSOC).
Could this be what this whole movement towards UFO ‘disclosure’ is really about?
Trump clearly knew – or was told – about Space Force: which was why he rambled so incoherently about it during that off-kilter press event. Given that said Space Force was being kept secret for a number of years, one would assume that Trump being told about it – and his subsequent rambling about it – was all part of a controlled disclosure. Presumably Trump wasn’t meant to be so ineloquent about it; but you would have to assume the Pentagon wanted the President to start publicly floating the idea of the Space Force.
Admittedly, the strange thing was that Trump’s announcement was framed in such a way as to imply this was a new thing being developed: when, in reality, the programme already existed and had been in operation for years already. Nevertheless, the ‘Space Force’ – once a secret serious enough to provoke a prolonged struggle for the extradition of Gary McKinnon (which was only thwarted due to McKinnon’s Asperger’s Syndrome) – is now an acknowledged fact, post-Trump.
Take this February 2020 Forbes article titled ‘US Airforce’s Latest Budget is Shrouded in Secrecy’. ‘When the U.S. armed forces revealed their proposed fiscal 2021 budgets on Monday at the Pentagon, it became clear that… much of what it wants to do with $63 billion sought for new weapons and warfighting technology is secret… That applies doubly to the newly-minted Space Force, which operates within the Department of the Air Force. There are literally hundreds of line items in the proposed budget that are classified, with the largest share consisting of recently begun efforts to provide increased awareness, protection and connectivity in space...’
Even those who mention the ‘Space Force’ in the US media don’t seem to really know what it is: the only sea-change is that they now acknowledge its existence.
But keeping all of that in mind, it would make some sense that some department of the Pentagon might’ve asked the then-president to put the odd UFO-related clause in to the COVID relief bill. And to make it look like the Pentagon had had its hand forced by the president and was reluctantly being forced to reveal certain information… information, perhaps, cherry-picked to create an impression of an otherworldly – or at least unexplainable – technology and threat: in order to justify the existence and expansion of this ‘Space Force’ and a militarisation of space.

A militarisation of space that is – in theory – still very much a grey area in terms of international law.
Again, the Pentagon won’t and wouldn’t reveal anything it doesn’t want to reveal. That notion – which was being pushed by the major American media in the lead up to this report – is absurd.
After all, this is the same Pentagon that has a Black Budget (reportedly amounting to over $50 billion a year: most of it classified for security reasons) that it never details or discloses to the public or to the politicians – and that it is never asked or expected to. To be clear, that’s not part of the regular annual budget for the Pentagon, which itself is enormous: just specifically the Black Budget, consisting of secret or classified programmes.
So why on earth would it suddenly consider itself beholden to Congress or duty-bound to reveal everything it knows about UFOs? That makes zero sense. They could’ve done that years and years ago: after, for example, the various incidents involving nuclear facilities.
In this context, it would make sense why the specific UFO videos or cases that have been pushed into the media in the last few months have been talked about in the context of national security concerns (i.e: we don’t know what these things are or how their technology works).
Because, if we go by the Steven Greer theory, the whole idea is to play up the perception of UFOs as a threat due to their advanced capabilities. And this could, in turn, be used to justify the militarisation of space (or, if Gary McKinnon’s exposure of the proto ‘Space Force’ is anything to go by, then it’s more like to retro-actively justify the already-existing militarisation of space).
As I pointed out previously, Greer’s ideas also seemingly match with the supposed prediction by the Nazi rocket scientist and NASA founder Werner Von Braun that the military-industrial complex was planning a false-flag alien threat or invasion.
According to the testimony of his secretary, the legendary Von Braun had said on his deathbed that he knew about these long-planned sequences of false-flag events (which, according to the account, would included a fake ‘War on Terror’, among other things, and would culminate eventually in a fake alien invasion): the purposes of which was, in each instance, to acquire more and more control and power – by the military industrial complex – over the government, the population and, eventually, outer space.
Von Braun is said to have revealed this on his deathbed in the early 1970s.
Whatever you make of someone like Greer, the credentials of someone like Von Braun are hard to argue with. Nazi scientist or not, Von Braun was clearly a brilliant individual, who was not only spared the fate of many of his compatriots after World War II but dedicated the second half of his life to getting man to the Moon.
*If* the claims about his warnings are true, we have to be inclined to take them very seriously.
This would also, of course, resonate with the famous speech by US President Dwight Eisenhower that warned Americans about the dangerous acquisition of power being sought by the military-industrial complex.
That was the American President speaking: and not just *a* speech, but his farewell address – which he used to issue that warning.
Clearly, whatever was behind the 1947 flying saucer wave, the 1947 Roswell controversy and the 1952 UFO events over Washington DC, President Eisenhower was left wary of the military industrial complex and its activities – so much so that he used his farewell address to warn everyone.
So where does all of this leave us?
This faked alien threat of Greer’s or Von Braun’s may or may not be what’s on the horizon in the long-term.
However, I cannot think of any real reason why the Pentagon would be making any UFO-related disclosure of any type: it’s not like, after decades and decades of cover-ups, disinformation programmes, etc, they finally decided the truth needs to be known. Why? There always has to be a motive.
And a planned age of the Space Force – and the militarisation of space – seems to be the most logical motive at present: and the one that fits best with what we’re seeing. And that in itself might merely be an early step along the road of the stage-managed alien invasion envisioned by the likes of Greer and Von Braun.
What’s really interesting to watch for here is not the information itself, but what the perception-management of it is and in what way it changes our paradigms – or is manufactured to change them.
The fact that the report hasn’t overtly referenced an ET or off-world origin for the UFOs isn’t surprising: that was never going to happen. But its language has left the door open to that perception: because, in saying ‘we don’t know what these things are’ (and at the same time, providing some very poor possible explanations – like ‘flocks of birds’ or ‘airborne clutter’ such as plastic bags), they are arguably inviting the media and the general public to read between the lines or fill in the gaps with our own imaginations.
Also, because the report is limited to recorded incidents only within a specific time-frame, it doesn’t seem to address things like nuclear facilities being interfered with, etc – which would render the plastic bags or flocks of birds explanations absurd.
The suggestion that these technologies could be Russian or Chinese doesn’t seem to hold much water either – and yet they included it in their possible explanations anyway. For one thing, as Luiz Elozondo – a former director of the Pentagon’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Programme has said in an interview, “We’re dealing with a technology that could be 50-1,000 years ahead of us.”
That doesn’t suggest Russia or China as a source: besides which, Russia and China are both said to have been investigating the phenomenon themselves.
Of the non-alien theories that the report seems to offer, the one that possibly holds the most water is the suggestion of top-secret US-origin technologies that the Navy and Air Force don’t know about – which would mean, presumably, Black Budget projects or secret programmes in the military-industrial complex that are not disclosed even to large swathes of the Pentagon or the US defense infrastructure.
In other words, it would be a case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is up to.
This actually seems like the most plausible explanation, assuming you exclude extra-terrestrial explanations. It circles us back to the ‘Space Force’ and Gary McKinnon’s discovery: and it also takes us into the territory of the ‘Breakaway Civilisation’ – in short, the idea that there is a secret, autonomous entity with access to far-advanced and superior technologies and that this ‘breakaway civilisation’ is engaged in its own programmes and agendas without any oversight or scrutiny from governments or the public.
Among other things, this school of thought suggests that this secret (and nation-spanning) entity is beyond all governments, all laws and all restrictions, and that – as the Space Force would imply – already engaged in technological and outer-space activities far beyond anything that our current paradigms accept as being possible.
This explanation – true or not – would, in fact, be able to fit with most of what we’ve discussed in this article, including the Space Force, as well as Greer’s and Von Braun’s warnings and President Truman’s fears about the military industrial complex.
One of the most interesting things about the Breakaway Civilisation theory forwarded by authors like Joseph Pharrell is the alleged connection to Nazi Germany: essentially suggesting that this breakaway civilisation in fact began in Nazi Germany and was then continued in the United States – with the Germans loss of World War II requiring a transfer of power (and of technology) in order for the work to continue.

Not only does this line of thought (somewhat) eliminate the need for aliens or inter-dimensional beings, it seems to fit the timeline of events very nicely: because the first modern-day reports of flying saucers or UFOs were not in fact in 1947, but during World War II, where fighter pilots reported seeing ‘Foo Fighters’ in the skies. The war ended in 1945 – and the modern flying saucer phenomenon appeared to take shape in 1947 in the US, with the Roswell Incident also happening in that year (and one prevailing theory today about the Roswell Incident centering on the Nazi Bell design: pictured above).
This also fits the timeline of Operation Paperclip (the transfer of various Nazi scientists and their expertise over to the United States): which was of course how the rocket scientist and space-travel pioneer Werner von Braun himself ended up in the US and working for NASA, leading to – among other things – the Apollo Missions and the Moon Landings.
So, is the military industrial complex – or at least some part of it – the nexus of this supposed Breakaway Civilisation? And did it have its roots in Nazi Germany originally? It’s certainly as good a possibility as any.
But, naturally, as The Verge reports, US intelligence officials have dismissed any suggestion that UFOs (or UAPs) are secret US technologies (even though the Pentagon report has forwarded that as a possibility). But they would, wouldn’t they?
And, again, this lack of conclusive answer or theory kind of makes the Pentagon’s report itself seem a little pointless: even though there *must* be some motive for its existence at this time.
In some sense, the ‘truth’ may actually consist of a mixture of all of these possible explanations. In other words, we may be looking at super-secret technologies run by this ‘Breakaway Civilisation’ and which large parts of even the Pentagon and the defense establishment genuinely haven’t even been told about.
And, at the same time, there may also have been – and might still be – otherworldly or other-dimensional elements involved in a significant amount of the vast history of modern UFO encounters and incidents (including all those that have nothing to do with the military, but involve random civilians – not just in America, but all over the world).
And also, let’s keep in mind, the UFO mystery goes back way before even the twentieth century: as evidenced, for example, by the enduring anomaly of apparent UFOs in Renaissance art (see here), among other things.
And that’s not even considering the possibility that the two have merged at various points: that otherworldly or non-human agencies may have been involved *with* the military industrial complex or the alleged secret programmes – which is certainly a claim that has persisted in the literature for a very long time. And some of the most enduring claims – by Robert Lazar, for example – center around the idea that these secret programmes were based on reverse-engineered extra-terrestrial technologies in the first place.
Of course, nothing in this Pentagon report is hinting towards that. But then it wouldn’t, would it?
At any rate, this article – like the Pentagon report itself – isn’t going to (and cannot) reach any definitive conclusion.
After all of this, all we’re left with still are theories, possibilities and interpretations. This much-touted UFO report doesn’t help us resolve or better understand the mystery: but it may help us understand what the military-industrial complex’s long-term agendas might be.
The Pentagon’s report can be read in full here.
More: ‘The Mystery of the UFOs in Renaissance Paintings & Art‘, ‘What the F**k is Happening on the Moon…?‘, ‘What’s With the Pyramid-Shaped UFOs…?‘, ‘Was Adolf Hitler Alive in 1984…?‘
When NASA Was Upstaged by Alien Corpses in Mexican Congress…
Actually, I had written a long comment for here and saved it a time ago, so I could add it later, but the text file was deleted because the writing program gave an error, and I couldn’t bring it back. Anyway, one day I’ll get back together and write what’s on my mind again here.
Now, I just want to say that in general, not relevant with this article, but a more general topic on issue.
Why the UFOs that people claim to have seen in the sky with their lights are on all the time? So think about it, or imagine, you are a living species that comes from millions of light years away, but you are entering to an atmosphere of a planet you have never known with your vehicle’s headlights on by stepping on the accelerator at full speed. Is this normal?
You’re the alien, my friend: you need to tell me if it’s normal 🙂 Do you keep the lights on when you’re flying around in *your* ship?
I’ve entered to the planet earth’s atmosphere by hitchhiking to a space cargo vehicle of another species (I can’t give it name here) that can carry me in my vehicle, because my vehicle has broke down. They already left me without entering the atmosphere. After that, it was free fall for me on earth. So I don’t know about the others, my friend. On the other side, if you ask me “if you had a knowledge, would you have told?” No, of course.;)