
When NASA Was Upstaged by Alien Corpses in Mexican Congress…

Alien body displayed in Mexican Congress.

It was a bit funny that at more or less the same time NASA gave its big presentation on UFOs, this weird thing happened in Mexico.

In case you missed any of this, on Thursday NASA presented its highly anticipated ‘announcement’ concerning its investigation into UFOs (sorry, I mean ‘UAPs’), essentially announcing that they don’t think there’s any evidence of extraterrestrials… and at pretty much the same time the Mexican government was being publicly shown the supposed bodies of ancient alien beings.

It could be just a coincidence, but it’s almost as if the Mexican event was timed to counter the NASA event. Or maybe the strange coinciding of the two ‘announcements’ is more of the same (probably deliberate) confusion and contradiction that has characterised so much of the Ufology field for years.

The NASA presentation was, ultimately, rather pointless: and didn’t really warrant being hyped up as an ‘announcement’ at all. What they basically said is that there’s no proof ETs exist in relation to the UFO phenomenon – but that it can’t be ruled out either. And, naturally, that they’re going to keep looking into it.

Which is essentially telling us nothing at all. Other than pushing for the advancement of AI technologies to analyze unexplained aerial phenomena and search for ET life, NASA basically staged a non event.

The spectacle in Mexico, on the other hand, was certainly not a non-event. Supposed alien bodies of ancient age being presented to politicians is as dramatic as it gets.

I would assume, instinctively, that the alien bodies are fake and the whole thing was a stunt. I don’t know that though: it’s a reflexive reaction to seeing such a thing. But maybe that’s because I’ve become desensitised. And maybe I’ve become desensitised because of all the confusion and contradictory information – as well as actual disinformation campaigns spanning decades.

And, you know, maybe that’s the point with all the conflicting ideas and disinformation.

Various groups and various online outlets were prompt in dismissing or mocking the Mexican display. This is what Reuters had to say, for example. And here’s the Associated Press.

But isn’t this also exactly what they would do if the bodies were real? Pour scorn or at least downplay? I honestly don’t know anymore.

And while the man behind the event (Jaime Maussan) has apparently been debunked before (including with alleged ET bodies), one wonders why officials in Mexico went ahead with a very public event, broadcasting it worldwide, if it was something easy to debunk. I find it unlikely that Maussan’s presentation wasn’t fully vetted prior to a public event involving Mexico’s Congress: but then surely Maussan’s track record with forgeries should’ve ruled him out?

Apparently, supporting evidence was carefully presented in the three-hour long presentation, and international organisations were invited to conduct their own studies of the artefacts: but none have volunteered.

According to the presentation, several scientific organisations were already involved in testing: this included Harrisburg University in Philadelphia, which specialises in science and technology, Lakeheed University in Canada, and Genentech, Inc (an American biotechnology corporation California).

It has been difficult finding or accessing details of these tests or findings online: I’ve tried .

But it’s also fair to say that every major news item I read on this subject failed to mention any of the organisations involved in the testing, like the three I mentioned above. In fact, all of the news items failed to even include a link to the full video of the presentation that was provided by the Mexican Congress.

That being said, it doesn’t seem that any DNA or carbon dating evidence has been sent to international bodies for additional analysis.

I’m not definitively drawing any conclusions here. But, as I said, my instinct is that these allegedly thousand-year old items  are probably not ET in origin. Maussan’s history of alleged hoaxes really doesn’t do this matter any favours.

What’s clear is that the subject of UFOs and aliens has been moved into a new paradigm in the last few years. Where there was previously decades of either official denial of careful non-engagement, there is now a concerted move by governments, the Pentagon, the Vatican, the media, and even NASA, to conduct official programmes and make official announcements.

As someone who has been following the literature on UFOs and related subjects since I was a teenager in the mid 1990s, I find this shift very jarring: it certainly feels orchestrated and not organic.

We are clearly being spoon-fed little doses of information or ideas a bit at a time, and carefully managed towards some kind of future shift in our collective perception or understanding: which might or might not be an earth-shattering one in its impact.

This is clear from recent announcements: by military and defense figures, for example. It was only a few weeks ago that US Senators were presented with claims about unknown craft from unidentified origins. In the last few months, an ex Intelligence official claimed that the US was in possession of ‘alien biologics’ from crash sites – another claim that was afforded a lot of media attention, even though similar claims have been made for years and not been afforded mainstream media attention.

And this was all on the heels of the Pentagon’s official report on UFOs (which I previously covered here), which was as similarly ambiguous and inconclusive as NASA’s report this week.

There was also the strange incident in Las Vegas earlier this year, in which a fireball was seen in the sky and a family in the area was visited by police after claiming alien beings were in their backyard. That incident got mainstream news coverage in the US.

The family apparently didn’t bother to photograph or video the aliens on their smartphones: but the media appeared to take it seriously.

And this Las Vegas incident happened to coincide with the highly publicised UFO report in the Senate: just as this Mexico display has coincided with NASA’s press conference.

What’s key is that the media has heavily reported on all of these things, including the alleged bodies in Mexico. This is a big change in the dynamics: twenty years ago, a lot of these stories – such as the now famous tic-tac UFO incident involving military pilots – would not have been covered in the media.

In fact, they would’ve been actively avoided – as a matter of both government and media policy. As I covered here previously, even UFO incidents at nuclear sites (of which there have been numerous) never used to make the news.

Which indicates that major media in the US might be in lockstep with whatever is going on.

What I find odd is that there are scores of very interesting UFO cases or claims about non-human entities, some of which includes decent quality video evidence, some of which includes multiple witnesses, etc… but these get ignored by official institutions or mainstream media and instead they give coverage to something like the Las Vegas incident.

Where this displaying of the supposed alien bodies in Mexico fits in to this equation, I don’t know. Again, I assume it’s a stunt. If so, it was curiously timed. Also, the Mexican Congress’s implied complicity in said stunt (if it was a stunt) would be baffling.

If it wasn’t a stunt and those bodies are real, then it’s extraordinary how little impact has been achieved. Because by next week it is unlikely anyone’s still going to be talking about those bodies.

Again, I’m drawing no conclusions about this display. The official Mexican government stream from the event can be seen here.

Meanwhile I’m not sure what NASA is really doing here. The Pentagon’s change of public attitude regarding UFOs could be plausibly geared towards defense spending and in particular the militarisation of space: but where NASA fits into that is less clear.

I’ve covered this whole subject of UFOs and official ‘disclosures’ at greater length and in more detail previously here. It’s a fascinating subject, with a compelling history: but the more one looks at all of the evidence and history up to the present day, the more everything becomes less clear and less easy to draw conclusions about.

You have to wonder if that too is by design.



Alien Visitors, Breakaway Civilisations, Nazis or the Space Force: What is the Pentagon’s UFO Report Telling Us…?


S. Awan

Independent journalist. Pariah. Believer in human rights, human dignity and liberty. Musician. Substandard Jedi. All-round failure. And future ghost.


  1. This is another story that mostly passed me by, except that those images: once seen, hard to forget! I mean that’s ET right there. The one from the Spielberg movie, right? Phone home… or wait, I’m wrong. It’s Yoda. Obvious once I can use ‘the force’ to identify him. OK, enough of the crap jokes, and I presume I’ve hammered the point about the likely origins of the creature in question. Because the development of this whole UFO subject is intriguing, as you say. I don’t follow it at all closely, but it’s easy to see from a somewhat detached vantage that there are big moves to push the idea more and more into the mainstream. Which opens up so many questions obviously.

    When I was younger I really wanted to believe in aliens. I desperately wanted them to come down to earth to save us. It was a religious thing, although back then I was actually a staunch atheist. I even saw a UFO once – I won’t go into details because you can probably guess – but it was really there flying above us and both my friend and I watched in total awe as it approached. The experience was literally numinous. An other-worldly spiritual encounter. And then it wasn’t. It was just an ordinary plane with the sunlight glancing off its wings in some uncanny way. But a second before it had been a UFO; no question about it! So the experience remains totally real in that sense – that this friend and I had REALLY experienced it – and it had been profoundly religious in nature.
    Digression over and back to the point. I lost my faith in UFOs. There may or may not be aliens in the universe but it seems unlikely to me as a physicist that these craft are crossing interstellar space, let alone the unfathomable distances that would be intergalactic. The lights in the sky are certainly real. But here’s the problem. If these aliens don’t want to be seen then why do they illuminate their craft like Christmas trees? And if they do want to be seen then why not just appear? What’s this big deal about hanging out around military bases…? There’s something fishy going on there. And mutilating cattle. WTF!
    Now to the main point. Having lost my faith in UFOs, at least in the form of extraterrestrial craft, I have grown increasingly suspicious. Why the hell are half the channels on TV dealing in this subject; the other half covering the Nazis! Why are there basically no sightings prior to human flight but more and more in the past half century? Ancient Aliens does a desperate job of cherrypicking and misleading its audience, but the evidence is basically non-existent. And why is the MSM now dishing out regular stories based on official hearings almost always involving disclosures by military personnel.
    Nearly there! It seems increasingly likely that this is all a psyop. First to cover up secret military projects – something we know for sure was done. But now to serve different ends. What ends…? Well, that’s the $64 thousand question. But I’ve hinted already at my own beliefs. UFOs provide the surrogate religion of our times. A religion for the atheists who ardently believe they have no faith in anything besides physics. So are they preparing the way for a final revelation? Like at the end of that other Spielberg movie! A Project Blue Beam event that will herald the New World Order? Of course not, that’s all just a nonsense conspiracy theory. Nothing to see here… except for the aliens obviously!

    • I wish you *would* go into more detail on your UFO incident! But thanks for sharing anyway.
      But yes, I think all these controlled disclosures and media attention is building towards something. And you’re right about the new religion element too. I’ve thought this a long time. That Ancient Aliens show is ridiculous too. It started with a few decent, credible theories based on well known research and ideas: then it degenerated into repetitive nonsense where EVERYTHING is aliens: the first thanksgiving, Da Vinci, Einstein, etc: *all* aliens involved!

  2. I posted a longer comment earlier today but it didnt stick.
    Anyway I suspect that this UFO topic is of some interest to those who want an alternative culprit for the collapsing buildings on 9/11 after the recent anniversary.
    Judy Wood became some kind of star in the alternate media for her writings about DEW or directed energy weapons.
    There were other writers who suggested nuclear weapons, inside the buildings, constituted the actual mechanism behind that DEW effect.
    But since Wood didn’t agree her theory could be combined with separately emerging info about alien technology to miraculously solve the problem of how it happened.
    The fires earlier this year in Hawaii were also speculated to have been related to DEW technology.
    Think Independence Day, the movie about an alien attack using a deathray from above only with the added feature of the ray being invisible.

  3. This is close to the anniversary of 9/11 and one author, Judy Wood, has been much hyped with her thesis about directed energy having demolished the wtc buildings (not just the twin towers and wtc 7 but actually a couple more.)

    The divisive point between Judy and some other physicists and experts on nuclear topics is that for her the directed energy must not be in the form of fully visible nuclear weapons from inside the building but instead of an unknown and apparently totally invisible kind maybe from outer space.

    From 2018 german nuclear physicist Heinz Pommer made a good summary of the technical aspects of the state of the best research available to the altmedia audience

    There is also videos from 2010 and 2011 by Robert Stein with some revealing images of the NNSA staff with fullface masks for radiation protection working at a landfill to sift out body parts for identifying the DNA of victims.

    The former Soviet nuclear security intelligence officer Dmitri Khalezov is recognised by them both as the progenitor of important parts of the analysis.
    While Pommer has made some important additions closing some technical gaps in Ks account.

    The division between such researchers and Judy creates opportunities for her to be seen as potentially useful for the usg as a hint about aliens from outer space as the culprits on 9/11.
    I am not saying she would necessarily have been hired to consciously play that role but maybe somebody else was used to encourage her and behind the scenes prepared this role.

    Think independence day.

    Only with the added feature that the deathray from the sky being invisible.

    And note that the recent fires in Hawai have spawned speculations about apparently invisible directed energy weapons (DEW)

    Another topic which is likely to be connected with alien disclosures is the MKULTRA type of cybernetic technology.

    It was already up and running 50 years ago with Uri Geller and SRI as one vehicle used to simulate remote mind reading where his handler was supposed to hold patents for miniature transponders or receivers which were easily inserted in the ear but presumably similar functionality could be fixed inside the body.
    This had been demonstrated with cats used as highly sensitive wireless microphones
    utilising the cats auditory quality.
    Geller referred to aliens from outer space advicing him
    The Rockefellers sponsored UFO religions in 1993+ but it appears the Raelians were part of that phenomenon in the 1970s already
    I suspect Rael is supposed to be associated with (Is)rael
    And I believe all american support for Israel is tied to Israel having to become compromised in multiple manners.

    • Hi petergrfstrm, its great hearing frm you after a long time.
      And thanks for an interesting contribution. I must admit, the energy weapons argument is the one element in 9/11 theories i haven’t delved that much in to, as interesting as it is.
      I am aware of CIA use of UFo AND ‘Contactee’ cults, as far back as the 60s and 70s. And yes, actually I’ve also wondered if the ‘Raelians’ related with Israel somehow.
      With regards to the Uri Gellar thing, did any of this relate to the remote viewer named Ingo Swann? I think Gellar is a thoroughly unimpressive character in the end, but his having worked with both the CIA and Israeli Intelligence seems to have been very true.

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