
BIDEN’s Blindspot: How Trump & Israel Conspired in America…

Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu

It was hailed as an immediate success of the Great Trump in his new presidency. 

After more than a year of failed or floundering negotiations and much destruction in Gaza, Trump was apparently able to oversee a ceasefire and a controlled release of Israeli hostages.
In other words, Trump immediately succeeded where Biden and co had abysmally failed – only the Great One could get both Israel and its enemy to come to an agreement.
This is how it was spun anyway – particularly by the MAGA machine. Some worshippers even suggested – entirely non-sarcastically – that Trump should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
It was all nonsense, however. 
Moreover it is, in fact, conspiracy – in as much as the Israeli government and the Trump cabal had conspired to manufacture this state of affairs.

Trump had done nothing.
And nothing new was added into the equation that hadn’t already been attempted during the Biden administration.
This much is even confirmed by former Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, who has said the current ceasefire deal with Hamas is identical to an earlier proposal that Hamas was willing to agree to in April last year, but that Netanyahu and his cabinet deliberately delayed reaching any agreement.
The sole reason that an agreement was finally reached as soon as Trump became president again is because Netanyahu and co were deliberately waiting for Trump to come back into office.
Nothing worked under the Biden administration because Netanyahu made sure it didn’t.
Which clearly implies that Trump and Netanyahu had an agreement. Bibi would refuse to play ball with the Biden administration and would instead save the ‘glory’ for his good friend Mr Trump.
This way, the Great One could take all the credit and Biden and co would look like failures.
Biden and co *were* failures, for that matter: tepid, indecisive and entirely crippled by ingrained US subservience to Israel.
But, in delaying any agreement, Israel could continue laying waste to Gaza, killing Palestinians, and keeping Netanyahu out of prison.
All of which was also laying the ground for the envisioned expulsion of the Palestinian population – which Trump and Netanyahu have now openly started making statements about, as we saw this week.

The simple fact is that the agreement/ceasefire that Trump has now taken credit for could’ve been reached at any time in the last fifteen months – if the Netanyahu government had wanted it or allowed it.

Hamas had been plain all along that it wanted Palestinian prisoners exchanged for Israeli hostages.
Israel deliberately declined any such agreement as long as possible – and consciously declined to get back its hostages: so that the maximum destruction could be achieved in Gaza, and so that Trump could swoop in, take the credit for ‘peace’ and begin accelerating the Final Solution.
We got a taste of that Final Solution in Trump and Netanyahu’s little press conference a few days ago.
A mixture of forced displacement, ethnic cleansing and beachfront luxury properties was about the gist of it.
But no wonder Biden was so fed up with Netanyahu: he must’ve known exactly what they were up to. One suspects he knew the Israeli regime was bypassing him and the US government entirely and conspiring with the Trump cabal – this being in spite of all the blind support the Biden government gave Israel (to its own detriment).
Across several months, Biden was quoted as being completely fed up with the Israeli leader: calling him a ‘fucking liar’ and a ‘bad guy’ at one point. And there was also the ‘stop bullshitting me’ phone-call.
Several months ago, even some major media was asking whether Netanyahu was manipulating the US election. Here the BBC, for example, claimed ‘President Joe Biden has said he is unsure whether Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is holding off on agreeing a Gaza ceasefire deal in order to influence next month’s US election…’
As I said here a few days ago, it was obvious that Netanyahu and co saw Biden as insufficiently subservient: and as we observed recently, only total and complete submission to the Golden Calf is considered acceptable.
Biden eating ice cream
Again, Trump was always Israel’s guy.

More importantly, given Israel and AIPAC’s stranglehold on American politics (especially the Republican Party), it is not stretching to consider Israel’s role in the 2024 election.

Which is especially interesting when we consider the possibility that the 2024 election was subject to conspiracy: and that Elon Musk is heavily implicated in that foul play (see here and here).
The same Elon Musk who has been shilling for Israel (and acting like a general fascist wannabe) ever since he participated in staged propaganda events with Netanyahu right after October 7th.
Note too that Musk was a ‘special guest’ for some reason at Netanyahu’s presentation to US Congress last July – at Netanyahu’s request.
It’s also not clear why Netanyahu was invited to address US Congress at all – but that’s a separate subject.
Going further and suggesting that Israel may have played some part in the manipulation of the US election isn’t far-fetched at all.
I in fact argued back in 2016 that the whole Russia-Gate pantomime was in fact just a cover/red-herring to hide Israel’s influence in getting Trump into the White House.
The ‘foreign interference’, as I argued back then, was not really so much Russia, even if Russia did some minor meddling – it was Israel. But the US political establishment – including the Democrat establishment – is subservient to Netanyahu and is therefore unable to ever openly expose or confront that reality.
So it was all put on Russia instead.
Coming back to the present though, now let’s remember too that the July 13th assassination hoax – an absolutely key factor in Trump’s reelection programme – was also a Jewish religious ritual involving the bloodied right ear.
I covered that here. And the fact that the fake assassination event was also preceded by Trump being visited by a hundred or more Jewish religious figures.
July 13th was not just an assassination hoax for election purposes – but a symbolic anointing of new ‘High Priest’.
Again, we covered that here.
So when Netanyahu says Trump is ‘the best friend Israel ever had’, it means more than just the surface-level shows. Trump is anointed by Israel: his particular alliance/symbiosis with Israel isn’t just political, but apparently religious.
Donald Trump at the Western Wall, Jerusalem
He is seen as the figure who will facilitate the final fulfillment of longstanding plans to not only rid Israel of the Palestinians, but to achieve both  ‘Greater Israel’ in the Middle East and to seize the Temple Mount and build the Third Temple.

He is thus not just facilitating Israel’s political interests, but also fulfilling prophecy. He may as well be the Messiah at this point.

Elon’s part is less clear. But, given growing implications that he may have been involved in fixing the 2024 election in some way, and given his connections to Netanyahu and co, we could at the very least infer a unified agenda and game-plan.
Israeli involvement in Trump’s election programme would also help explain why the establishment Democrats have said absolutely nothing about notable suspicious statements put into the public domain regarding the election’s integrity.
This is something I’ve been struggling with in recent articles.
But if Israeli interests were in play regarding Trump’s campaign and even Elon’s operations, then the political opposition – being essentially beholden to Israel, regardless – might logically step aside and keep quiet.
That’s just my speculation. But it would make some sense of the Democrat establishment’s apparent lack of resistance or opposition since November 5th.
At any rate, Israel has its man in the White House.
And this week’s unhinged ramblings about casual forced relocations and turning Gaza into a luxury ‘riviera’ are the early indicators of what means.
All of this fanfare about Trump’s momentous bringing of ‘peace’ and conflict resolution was just manufactured theater for appearances.

Netanyahu and Trump and co knew what they were doing all along. And poor old ‘Sleepy Joe’ just wasn’t in the room.


S. Awan

Independent journalist. Pariah. Believer in human rights, human dignity and liberty. Musician. Substandard Jedi. All-round failure. And future ghost.

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