This is a complex one. But highly interesting. And probably a little disturbing in places. For anyone not familiar yet with this
DALLAS SHOOTINGS: American ‘Race War’ Psy-Op & the Toxic ‘Info Wars’…
Apparently, there’s a ‘Civil War‘ going on in America. Apparently the definition of ‘Civil War’ is becoming a very loose, meaningless thing
We already looked at reasons why the Orlando Massacre was probably a false-flag operation; first here and then more here. But now
About the Orlando Massacre narrative: subsequent oddities and inconsistencies in the story keep cropping up. I said on Monday that the story
The ORLANDO MASSACRE: Why You Should Seriously Doubt the Official Story…
I’m not going to spend too long on this; as I’ve said before, I’m getting tired of this whole subject area. Firstly,
“It’s scandalous,” former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner complained. “It’s absolutely scandalous and it really feeds into what Sanders supporters believe… that
In case you missed it, there was just another little tidbit – mostly ignored by the majority of the media – to
Berta Cáceres was one of Honduras’s leading indigenous activists and spent the better part of her life campaigning for the rights of
What’s increasingly remarkable about staged terror operations or dodgy official narratives is how frequent they now are, how many holes there are
This has all become so tiresome and predictable that you could set your watch to it. Apparent terror attack in major Western
On 13th March 1996, according to the ‘official’ version of the event, a mentally-disturbed loner named Thomas Hamilton shot dead 16 children