
DALLAS SHOOTINGS: American ‘Race War’ Psy-Op & the Toxic ‘Info Wars’…

Dallas police shooting, 2017

Apparently, there’s a ‘Civil War‘ going on in America.

Apparently the definition of ‘Civil War’ is becoming a very loose, meaningless thing to all the propagandists in both mainstream and (some) alternative media – all of whom should probably have a chat with someone in Syria or Libya to ask them what a ‘Civil War’ looks like.

To be clear, this ‘Civil War’ or ‘Race War’ talk is mostly being ramped up in reference to the shooting incident in Dallas, Texas, in which several police officers were killed by, according to the media, both an angry “loner” and supposedly a group of snipers – though how both stories could be true is anyone’s guess.

The attack happened at or shortly after a Black Lives Matter march and the alleged killer is reported to have declared his anger towards “white people” and white police in particular.

The Black Lives Matter (BLM) gathering was marching in protest in different places in response to the unlawful killings of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, just as previous protests had been a response to other violent, unlawful police killings of people such as Eric Garner, Michael Brown or Sandra Bland.

The alleged shooter, Micah Xavier Johnson, was apparently a 25-year-old decorated US army veteran, as well as being described as “a loner”.

This seems – at least according to the official narrative – to have been a very well-planned, very well coordinated attack, executed with paramilitary precision. The alleged shooter, we are told, had not only a variety of weapons, but full body armour, communications equipment, and apparently also bomb- making components. Johnson was allegedly wearing body armor and armed with an SKS semi-automatic assault rifle and a handgun during the assault. And we are told the police killed Johnson by detonating a bomb with a robot after Johnson refused to surrender.

It isn’t clear how or where he got access to all of that hardware.

Genuine angry attack? Or false-flag? Could be either – and that actually isn’t the main reason for this post, which is more about the propaganda war.

But since we’re on that question, this case does seem to have a few of the dodgy false-flag odors to it. For one thing, the media accounts of the story have been wildly conflicting, even contradictory.

Alternet takes some account of this, noting ‘Even after the Dallas Morning News changed its headline Friday afternoon to read, “Dallas sniper was loner, Army vet with stash of arms, bomb parts at home,” the article’s second paragraph said, “Four Dallas police officers and a DART officer were shot and killed in a coordinated sniper attack that followed a Thursday night protest”… The incorrect sniper meme was repeated internationally, such as this headline from the British Mirror, “Dallas police shooting: ‘Black Power group’ claims responsibility for police killings and warns of more assassinations to come”… The team-of-snipers theory, nonetheless, was repeated in media accounts, including with police-attributed information that multiple snipers positioned themselves on elevated ground to triangulate and hit their targets.’

It does seem like different media outlets haven’t been able to agree on some of the key details and have put out a confused story.

And just to consult some of the usual check-list, it turns out there was an active shooter drill in North Texas less than two weeks ago. See here. People were told, ‘The event includes realistic scenarios that have actors playing victims and officers using fake gun rounds… The sights and sounds are scary, but not dangerous.’

Dallas shootings 2016, Black Power Facebook group 

The attribution of the attack to something called the ‘Black Power Political Organization’ also seems dodgy as fuck. What seems very much to have been a fake ‘Black Nationalist’ Facebook page suddenly appeared (appearing to have no followers or likes) just in time to claim responsibility for the shootings in an over-the-top post – after which the FB account was quickly taken down.

The post had gleefully declared: “Sniper Assassins Take Down Five Police Officers! And More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days! Do You Like The Work Of Our Assassins? Get Your Own Sniper Rifle And Join Our Thousands Of Sniper Assassins Worldwide In The Fight Against Oppression!”

So, in truth, it doesn’t look like the most convincing narrative – though the stated motive/catalyst of the alleged shooter does seem logical.

But what I really want to look at here is how the event is being spun and propagandized in what is very obviously a campaign of psychological warfare.

This below is the ridiculous way the toilet-paper rag known as the New York Post chose to depict the story. Not only is it seeking to cement the ‘Civil War’ psy-op conditioning that Americans are being subjected to, but it also chose to depict the protest as an ‘anti-police protest’ rather than an anti police brutality protest – which is a very clever trick of language.

 New York Post 'Civil War' front page: Dallas police shootings 2016 

There does seem to be a psy-op going on: but it is so multi-faceted and insidious that even most people who think they’re wise to it are actually the ones most being duped.

Various outlets, including the various right-wing or white-supremacist outlets, and also unfortunately including the Alex Jones sites, are going out of their way to stoke racial hatred and a divided society and to make people firmly believe there’s a ‘Race War’ or a ‘Civil War’ happening: in essence, to continue pitting white against black, right against left, and so on.

Fringe and more extreme elements of the Black Lives Matter movement can be said to have been doing the same thing; but the majority of BLM isn’t demonising white people, just specifically focusing on the police – and not all police, for that matter. Moreover, even the more excessive elements around the BLM movement are focused on a highly localised and specific subject/area of social justice or discontent. By contrast, the white supremacist groups or outlets are propagandising in a much more all-encompassing way, going beyond America and trying to influence European societies and other parts of the world with a very toxic brand of racial sectarianism.

Info Wars and various other sites are continuing to insist a ‘Race War’ or ‘Civil War’ is happening or is about to happen: curiously that’s exactly what white supremacist sites like The Daily Stormer have been doing too.

 Alex Jones 

It may be true. Or it might not be. But if it is, it appears to be a highly manufactured thing; in which outlets like Info Wars and others have certainly played their part with great relish.

I don’t want to knock Alex Jones too much, because there are other sites doing it too; but Info Wars is one of the most – if not the most – popular platforms particularly in America.

He says the Dallas shooting is part of a plot for the United Nations to overthrow America. And let’s be fair to him – if he is proven right some time down the line, then we can give him his dues on this. But at no point does he actually address the unlawful murders of Black citizens by trigger-happy police officers. There was a time in the past when Jones used to talk about how dangerous and oppressive the police – and all instruments of authority and law enforcement – can be, and how citizens had to stand up for themselves.

Now the guy who used to ramble on about the TSA groping people is celebrating the police and ignores the people they unlawfully shot dead.

Meanwhile, the ever-present hate-merchant and all-round numpty, Paul Joseph Watson, decided to take the chance to declare ‘Black Lives Matter’ is ‘a terrorist organisation’. Not too surprising coming from a propagandist like Watson – known to harbour pretty horrendous views about feminists, Muslims, refugees, and just about anyone else you could think of.

 Paul Joseph Watson meme 

According to Watson – and he isn’t alone in this, by any means – ‘Black Lives Matter, a peaceful, largely non-violent mass protest movement motivated primarily by documented and filmed cases of police officers unlawfully executing Black citizens… is a ‘terrorist’ organisation being controlled by Barack Obama.

Again, not too surprising coming from Watson, who tweets hashtags like ‘Stop Islam‘ and tells his millions of sheep that ISIS represents all Muslims (even while Jones is telling people that ISIS is a false-flag psy-op created by the CIA – which is an example of why Info Wars doesn’t make sense anymore: it can’t be both, stupid).

Never mind that what happened in Dallas – assuming for now that it wasn’t  a false-flag – would’ve been nothing less than a direct response to police brutality and a string of unlawful killings. But no, of course according to people like Paul Joseph Watson, one alleged sniper/shooter in one isolated incident means that the ENTIRE ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement is a ‘terrorist organisation’.

If Watson was around in the sixties, he probably would’ve thought the Civil Rights Movement were terrorists too. And he probably wouldn’t have been very happy about the Suffragettes either.

Watson and some others point out that George Soros donated a large amount of money to the BLM movement – which appears to be true (again, I can’t dismiss the possibility that initially innocent movements can be co-opted or manipulated from the outside – that’s what COINTELPRO was all about, particularly in regard to Black movements).

What he won’t talk about, however, is the actual *killings* themselves: in his warped world-view – the world-view he shares and reinforces among his followers – the BLM protests exist in some sort of vacuum where there have been no victims of police brutality, where the police are always innocent, and where – as always – everything that’s going on is a vast conspiracy against white people and nothing else.

 Paul Joseph Watson, Disinformation Agent 

And while Info Wars on one hand constantly talks about a coming military dictatorship and NWO, on the other hand it completely ignores the increasing militarization of the police in many areas and instead chooses to demonise the protest movement!

Watson was predictably quick to post an article collecting all the Tweets they could find from any Black people anywhere in the world who appeared to be ‘celebrating’ the alleged shooting of those Dallas copsbecause he is working to reinforce the racial toxicity and encourage the ‘Race War’ psy-op.

90 percent of commenters on Info Wars articles are invariably white supremacists and ultra right-wingers and the comments sections are permanently filled with the most vicious racism, homophobia, sexism, anti-Muslim statements, anti-Semitic statements, and all the rest of it. So why does Watson post an article a day after the Dallas shooting that neatly collects as many apparently anti-police Tweets as he can find? To feed into the vicious mob, of course, and reinforce and cement the psy-op that he himself is part of.

Those tweets he references, by the way, are pretty horrible: particularly as the police officers shot by the gunman were actually there to protect the peaceful protesters. Also, as has been widely noted, the Dallas Police Department in particular is regarded to be one of the most progressive, most reformed, police forces in the country.

But it is patently obvious the only reason someone like Watson has for seeking out, collecting and then publishing those tweets (some of which have already been dismissed as fakes) is to reinforce the divide and conquer strategy and wind up his followers.

What is particularly pathetic about Watson’s post is how easy it would be for me to scoop up as many racist, anti-Black, anti-women, anti-Muslim comments I can find from Info Wars comments-sections and make a counter-post.

I won’t, because it isn’t Alex Jones’ fault that most of his followers (and at least one of his main employees) are rabid, knuckle-dragging racists; but I could genuinely scoop up enough of them from any one given Info Wars article to fill a blog post – and the tone and nature of them would probably be far worse than what Watson has gone out of his way to find with all those terrible, police-hating Black folk he is so worried about.

 Black Lives Matter protesters 

But just to illustrate, here are a couple of comments on Watson’s post: and again, bear in mind this was a post complaining about some Twitter users being hateful. Describing Black people, one posts ‘These vermin are genetic mutations and can’t be helped.’ Another posts ‘Why don’t Blacks get eaten by sharks? Because they think they are whale sh*t.’ Another says ‘You forget the NIGGER obama isn’t going to be here much longer and whites OUTNUMBER niggers so BRING IT ON!’ Another helpfully adds ‘These feral black animals must be exterminated’.

But presumably Paul Joseph Watson doesn’t notice the irony, as he’s probably too busy cashing in his cheques.


And you know what? Alex Jones talking about an imminent takeover of America might not be that far-fetched.

It seems to me there might be a manufactured ‘Civil War’ or ‘Race War’ somewhere on the horizon and that the Hillary/Trump finale might be intended to play into that. And I’m still curious as to why all those massive military drills were going on in the US last year, which included convoys of UN trucks. All of that was real – and someone photographed one of the long military convoys and sent me the photos (see here).

But Jones – and others following the Info Wars lead – are the ones pushing this ‘Civil War’ reality, trying the hardest to convince people it is an absolute, carved-in-stone inevitability. And he has allowed his platform also to be taken over by rabid white supremacists and those who most *want* a race war. There is also something suspect about Info Wars so clearly throwing its absolute support behind Donald Trump, whose campaign is most likely ‘controlled opposition’ to service a bigger agenda (and that agenda might indeed BE the aforementioned ‘Civil War’ or ‘Race War’ scenario, or at least the agitation of the *conditions* for such an event).

Some high-profile individuals, such as a former congressman and a policy adviser to Republican leaders, are playing their part too, trying to make sure everyone believes a ‘race war’ is coming, and themselves declaring “war” against the Black Lives Matter movement.

Again, for clarity – declaring “war” on a protest movement that is marching against the unlawful executions of citizens.

For the record, the alleged shooter in Dallas – again, assuming this wasn’t a staged false-flag op – wasn’t connected to the BLM organisers: a fact that has been stated over and over again by the activists. In fact, it is precisely NOT in the interests of BLM to have had anything to do with the killing of police officers.

Part of the BLM movement itself may or may not have been co-opted by a COINTELPRO style operation. In fact, one of the movement’s activists has said she thinks this Dallas attack was carried out by a COINTELPRO operation to discredit or stigmatise the BLM protests. This concern about infiltration of the BLM protests has been around for a while already, as has tended to be the case with most social/political movements in America.

And it may be that BLM – however sincere and justified the majority of its members or supporters are – is also being steered or stage-managed by cynical agencies in order to service other agendas; while at the same time ‘white power’ movements and extreme right-wing feeling is also being encouraged and agitated (much of it via so-called ‘alternative media’) towards a more pronounced societal breakdown and racial division that will justify some form of Martial Law or increased police state being brought about to restore order.

Remember, all of this may climax around the event of a Trump presidency. I wouldn’t blame Trump himself for that, by the way – Trump himself is either just an actor playing a part in a staged crisis, or he is a sincere candidate who, deliberately or otherwise, has allowed himself to become a figurehead and rallying symbol for white anger.

But that shouldn’t distract anyone’s attention away from the actual cases of police brutality and unlawful killings – which the Dallas shooting and all the associated propaganda nonsense is distracting people from.

Legal efforts and battles in court to implement independent oversight of the police have largely led nowhere, while most politicians have failed to take any effective action. Known instances of police officers unlawfully executing members of the public have often resulted in nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

Assuming this attack in Dallas was what we’re told it was, it was only a matter of time before someone carried out a misguided retaliatory attack on police officers.

What you also won’t find the hate-preaching Paul Joseph Watson, Info Wars or other race-hate propaganda sites (posing as ‘alternative’ journalism), ever mention or even begin to explore is the undeniable institutional racism that exists in sections of the police force or, for that matter, the clear connections between the KKK and the police in many instances.

A widely referenced FBI warning in October 2006 reported that “White supremacist infiltration of law enforcement” represented a significant national threat.  The FBI are known to have not acted on any of those threats; probably because they were too busy looking for Muslims or Muslim converts to turn into terrorists.

Samuel V. Jones, a former military police captain and currently a professor of law, provided further context to the matter here. ‘Several key events preceded the report. A federal court found that members of a Los Angeles sheriffs department formed a Neo Nazi gang and habitually terrorized the black community. Later, the Chicago police department fired Jon Burge, a detective with reputed ties to the Ku Klux Klan, after discovering he tortured over 100 black male suspects. Thereafter, the Mayor of Cleveland discovered that many of the city police locker rooms were infested with “White Power” graffiti. Years later, a Texas sheriff department discovered that two of its deputies were recruiters for the Klan…’

Read the FBI report here.

Here‘s more on the Klu Klux Klan connections with the police. Anonymous  also leaked a list of KKK members who are both police officers or politicians. It is now well enough documented that the KKK has been infiltrating American police departments for decades. There are members of the KKK who even openly boast about this.

I would be surprised (and impressed) if people like Paul Joseph Watson or the Info Wars channel ever talk about that. Why would they? That’s not their game.

Of course, none of the above is any justification for the murder of random police officers – assuming this Dallas attack wasn’t a false-flag (even though it may well have been). And what is particularly senseless about this attack is that it targeted officers who were there to protect peaceful protesters and who, as previously noted, belonged to what is considered one of the most progressive police departments in America.

Americans might well be being divided and conquered – and some of the most influential ‘alternative media’ sites are pushing this psy-op themselves rather than opposing it.

Which unfortunately confirms what I’ve suspected for some time – that influential sections of the ‘alternative media’ have become every bit as suspect (actually more so) as much of the corporate-owned mainstream media.

S. Awan

Independent journalist. Pariah. Believer in human rights, human dignity and liberty. Musician. Substandard Jedi. All-round failure. And future ghost.


  1. It’s all smoke and mirrors – See youtube video of Houston police encounter and shooting of SeeEyeAye agent on routine traffic stop and chase that followed. Begs question if there was an old score to settle in Texas since Dallas shooter, Orlando Shooter, Hollywood,CA would be shooter and others all had links to Virginia Training. Also noteworthy is that Dallas itself has a macabre history of snipers.

    Also keep in mind that the media heat in US was on Hillary and the FBI handling of her miscondut and that now has been eclipsed by recent events. I think it was McGovern that once said: It’s gonna be a lawng haut summa!

    • You’re probably right – smoke and mirrors. Thanks for the heads up on those additional elements you mention – will look up.

      • Great coverage. You always provide a fresh perspective on important news events. You painstakingly assemble the puzzle of events for your readers and It is well appreciated! Movie of the day is Missisipi Burning.

        • Thanks, appreciate that. Haven’t seen Mississipi Burning – it’s on my list.

  2. Feel your frustration. Believe Alex is too. Feeling this, and the impending escalation into times that makes for such anguish…. He so roundly hated by all but lovers. Paul particularly can’t see alt.right-wood for trees. But they mean well and battle weary with little – for all the affirmation – but opposition. This admitted junction-shift re Islam, influenced by customer feedback and the intent in Trump-times to achieve critical mass. They found some new-friends. Together converge in hope to overcome… but in gains? – what or who… do they lose? And finally, I hear them drop absolute clanging race-mad lines but they don’t ‘see’ it. Complacency…

    So not here/now for a too-long comment, although you spark me in ways few articles do. This needs to be said and by someone not on a rabid too-far overstate. Couple of responses, as say, breezing past many perceptive shouts: What are ‘we’ saying to those enquiring from the less-active-truther side? Viewers from a quizzical distance? Those living with discrimination at being poor and black. Gathered up with white and poor. Those not so-libertarian and social-order solutions?

    Unquestionable politico-Black and angry UK make everything about race. Tried discussions further but the hurt is all-seeing. These v.few who care to care beyond the haze and beats. Too far one-way – there be the other. But one neon-screamer you make is: ‘Psychological Warfare’. If so – and so obviously is – the necessity for watching; Are we flowing, for/or against, the evil-power’s tide? In an opposite ‘spirit’ is the most-neccessery, all while holding the fiercest and troubling convictions. Called watching ‘how’ we say which-what? And on ever more-less immigration side/the bigger-ish. This ought to reference ‘all-immigration’. The Muslim-cell line only stacks up if the past x-amount of incidents aren’t the false-hoax-flags, evidence yet indicates otherwise. As for Islam-social consequences… more yes and no’s. Excuse my brevity (or shout “hallellujah”) but re-read your piece and got it in me noggin. Keep on about what is not-so ‘ever talk(ed) about’. Fill the gaps. Rage on… rage on…

    • Thanks Mark – your contributions always put me a in a good spirit. I have begun to suspect that what we’ve been seeing a lot if an operation to co-opt and control lots of ‘alternative media’ rather than try to destroy or censor it.
      One thing’s for sure: we’re living in very toxic, dangerous times as far as brainwashing and thought-control is concerned – and people (even well-meaning people) need to wise up to that reality or they’ll be in with one of the flocks of sheep.
      This is also speaking to what you’ve said a couple of times already – that you find yourself seriously limiting your websites and sources these days. It’s a shame; but it’s how things are going.

  3. Like you of late I’ve noticed Info Wars has gone off the rails, especially Paul Joseph Watson. I cannot even look at his videos now as I know they will be full of bile. Alex himself has at times made my jaw drop and I was suprised that he backed Trump, although given the choice I think Trump will be the lesser of the two evils between him and Killary.

    As for what is going on this week in Dallas and elsewhere my thoughts have centred around:

    Problem – too many white cops stopping and killing too many black people
    Reaction – divisions between black and white population causing voilence
    Solution – martial law, possibly cancellation of presidential election

    Why? They need to get the population under control before the next global economic meltdown, which according to Dollar Vigilante will be October this year ( https://www.dollarvigilante.com/blog/2016/07/08/jubilee-jolt-pre-planned-leaked-summer-chaos-begins-dallas.html ). Whether or not it turns out to be October there is no doubt it is most definitely coming. Wealth inequality is still growing with little signs of any government stopping it never mind slowing it down. So they need to get the populations under strict control otherwise they will not be able to pull off the next staged financial crash and get away with it.

    • Yeah, Problem-Reaction-Solution may be spot-on. And everyone’s pretty certain a major financial meltdown is coming, like you point out, for which damage control strategies need to be in place. I’ve been really looking a lot into the Brexit specifically in that context too.
      It will be very interesting to see what happens between now and the conclusion of the presidential race.
      As for Info Wars and Paul Joseph Watson – they’ve lot all credibility with me some time ago. It wouldn’t shock me to know that that entire operation has been co-opted as ‘controlled opposition’ to the mainstream media.

  4. Part of the BLM movement itself may or may not have been co-opted by a COINTELPRO style operation. In fact, one of the movement’s activists has said she thinks this Dallas attack was carried out by a COINTELPRO operation to discredit or stigmatise the BLM protests. This concern about infiltration of the BLM protests has been around for a while already, as has tended to be the case with most social/political movements in America.

    And it may be that BLM – however sincere and justified the majority of its members or supporters are – is also being steered or stage-managed by cynical agencies in order to service other agendas; while at the same time ‘white power’ movements and extreme right-wing feeling is also being encouraged and agitated (much of it via so-called ‘alternative media’) towards a more pronounced societal breakdown and racial division that will justify some form of Martial Law or increased police state being brought about to restore order.

    Remember, all of this may climax around the event of a Trump presidency. I wouldn’t blame Trump himself for that, by the way – Trump himself is either just an actor playing a part in a staged crisis, or he is a sincere candidate who, deliberately or otherwise, has allowed himself to become a figurehead and rallying symbol for white anger.

    But that shouldn’t distract anyone’s attention away from the actual cases of police brutality and unlawful killings – which the Dallas shooting and all the associated propaganda nonsense is distracting people from.
    This is great information! You did some great research for this. I will have to share this with others.

      • Thanks a lot. Keep getting that information out there. It’s important that we wake up as many as possible. They are already trying to put restrictions on YouTube and the internet in general. You have a good blog so keep it up. I will be checking out your blog from now on. Glad I found it.

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