Burning Blogger - Page 10 of 73 - Politics. Culture. Society. Truth Seeking. Etc.

Mass Killing is Occurring in Syria: But By Who?…

The latest reports from Syria are horrifying. In the few months following the collapse of the Assad government, international coverage of Syria has largely disappeared. Which meant either that nothing much was happening (unlikely): or that international media largely preferred


The ‘SUNSHINE POLICY’: North Korea, Geo-Politics & How Different Things Might’ve Been…

It is interesting, as the tensions and provocations between North Korea, the US and China continue, that it wasn’t that long ago when South and North Korea appeared to be moving mutually towards more cooperation and friendlier relations. Things, it appeared, could’ve been very different.  Before South Korea’s more conservative


9/11: The Whole Rotten Saga & the Most Ineffective Cover-Up Ever…

9/11 isn’t going to go away. The same pre-fabricated, false-flag horror that enabled destructive, world-changing agendas to be accelerated, kick-started the phenomenon of modern Islamist terrorism and paved the way for America’s modern surveillance state, is also the incriminating, self-tied noose around the crime’s still-at-large masterminds.
