Assange’s Lawyer and Human Rights Activist Killed in London Underground…

John Jones, lawyer with Julian Assange

A lawyer, who has represented WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, was killed on Monday, crushed by a commuter train.

The death of 48 year old John Jones, one of the UK’s top human rights lawyers, has been labelled a suicide.

British Transport Police were called to West Hampstead train station in North London on Monday morning, after reports that a man was struck by a train, having presumably jumped onto the track.

Mr Jones, a colleague of – among others – George Clooney’s wife Amal, was a specialist in extradition, war crimes and counter-terrorism. He lived in North London and was married with two children.

The barrister, described as “a giant in his field”, was highly regarded as an anti torture campaigner and for also having brought to justice some of those responsible for genocide in former Yugoslavia.

Recently, he had also been working to halt the execution of Saif Gaddafi in Libya and former Libyan intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi.

It seems to be being assumed that he killed himself deliberately; but this isn’t certain.

The local newspaper reports that ‘CCTV footage of the death was not played to the court because Coroner Mary Hassell said she thought it would be “too distressing” but that she had watched it, and was satisfied that “nobody else was involved”.’

The reports are that Mr Jones was suffering from mental health issues.

We note, however, that multiple threats have been made against WikiLeaks and Julian Assange in recent weeks, as leaks regarding Hillary Clinton and the DNC have been causing particular problems to the presidential campaign.

A number of websites have suggested that Mr Assange is planning an even bigger, more problematic, “October Surprise” leak of a crucial Hillary Clinton email, just prior the US Presidential Election: it is being claimed that this particular leak could make it impossible for Mrs Clinton to not be put behind bars.

We won’t know if this is true until it happens.

But Hillary Clinton strategist Bob Beckel recently appeared on Fox openly calling for the assassination of Julian Assange: openly suggesting violent, extra-judicial assassination. “I mean, a dead man can’t leak stuff,” he said. “The guy ought to be — and I’m not for the death penalty — so, if I’m not for the death penalty, there’s only one way to do it, illegally shoot the son of a bitch.”

WikiLeaks, has published a number of incriminating documents that have shown Hillary in an extremely bad light: including the data from the DNC that demonstrated her campaign’s collaboration with American mainstream media organisations to undermine Bernie Sanders’ bid for the Democrat nomination, as well as another recent leak linking Clinton to ISIS via a French corporation. And, as Claire Bernish recently noted, Beckel’s remarkably blunt statements have been echoed by Politico writer Michael Grunwald, who said he couldn’t “wait to write a defense of the drone strike that takes out Julian Assange“.

There has already been a spate of deaths – both inside and outside of the United States – involving anti Hillary activists and whistleblowers and those investigating electoral fraud at the DNC.

Mr Jones’s death may not be related to any of that. However, his wife has expressed doubts that he would’ve committed suicide.

Colleagues have said that John Jones’s death is “a monumental loss to the cause of international justice and human rights.”

S. Awan

Independent journalist. Pariah. Believer in human rights, human dignity and liberty. Musician. Substandard Jedi. All-round failure. And future ghost.


  1. Sorry to be pedantic but you do realise you’re saying he died in the last few days when, if we follow your own link, we find that he died in April this year? I only mention it for the sake of accuracy.

    • Yes, you’re right. It’s been reported in the last few days, but it happened earlier.

  2. Don’t know why, but I was just thinking of Gareth Williams today: the GCHQ bloke who in 2010 ended up dead in a suitcase locked from the outside.

    Also, I was researching Assange’s show on RT. Which brings up the strange death last year in Washington, D.C. of RT visionary Mikhail Lesin.

    Anyway, I hope Assange has some good dirt on Hillary. I can’t stand her.

    Cheers mate,


    • Thanks man. Yeah I always think back to guys like that too. So many of them over the years, often forgotten.

  3. Reblogged this on Worldtruth and commented:
    Sad but very convenient for Hillary and those who back her calling for his assassination. How many more must die before Hillary is behind bars?

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