So. Sorry if this is a little late.
Let’s start with the obvious.

It gets worse though. Let’s talk about the alleged shooter.

But even that’s assuming that this young Thomas Crooks was *actually* the shooter.
And then there’s the alleged bomb materials that were discovered, supposedly belonging to the dead shooter. These were apparently discovered in both his car and his home.
There are far more questions than there are answers.
You can’t help but logically deduce that if the ‘Deep State’ or the FBI wanted Trump dead, he’d be dead already.

See, for every possible theory or angle, there’s a counter argument.

How did he or the Secret Service know there wasn’t any further threat at that point?
But let’s keep going.

But it’s easy to see why some people think the whole thing was staged by pro Trump actors.

I keep having to come back to the same phrase I used in this article right before the Pennsylvania assassination drama unfolded. That this is the continuing American Nightmare.
US media initially reported the shooter as being ~130ft away from Trump.
But other media like Al Jazeera or german truther TrauKeinemPromi give the distance as ~130 meters.
From the drone footage shown by the media it definitely looks like the distance was more than 50m (~150ft) and Wikipedia agrees:
> from the roof of a building 400 feet (120 meters) to 450 feet (140 meters) from the stage
tl;dr: the alleged shooter was farther away than we initially thought
Interesting. Judging by what MSM news showed, he seemed very close. But I don’t know.
There’s one more thing to consider which I noticed when listening to Derrick Broze and which he also pointed out later in his article:
According to the official story
– A local cop eventually climbed up to look over the edge of the roof where everyone and their mother said they saw this guy with a gun.
– The alleged shooter then pointed his rifle at the cop and the cop let go of the ledge and injured himself from falling.
– Immediately afterwards Crooks shot at Trump.
So if Crooks hadn’t been startled by the cop he might have taken the time to aim properly and could have succeeded.
Maybe he wasn’t as bad at aiming as we might think.
(And maybe Trump wasn’t saved by God or whatever but random chance after people kept pestering police to do something about the rooftop assassin.)
But I didn’t see a video of any cop climbing up there and the witnesses all said they were ignored by all the officials, so meh :-/
And apparently he wasn’t startled by the snipers who were aiming at him for some time (half a minute? several minutes?).
Thanks for that.
I can’t imagine what that kid was thinking in general. I can’t think he was expecting to be shot dead: that doesn’t fit with his behavior.
That’s a great overview. Thanks for putting so many of the pieces together. The part about Bolsanaro is especially interesting. My own thoughts immediately skipped to the film Bob Roberts, which I have since rewatched out of curiosity. Then I checked the wikipedia entry on Bob Roberts and discovered that director Tim Robbins had already made the same connection. Here’s the relevant extract:
“In 2018, Robbins said: “Bob Roberts came true”, referring to President Donald Trump. In July 2024, following an attempted assassination of Trump, a conspiracy theory emerged that it was staged akin to what happens in Bob Roberts. Robbins condemned the theory, writing on X, “Those that are denying the assassination attempt was real are truly in a deranged mindset.”
Funny how he sent out that tweet the day after the shooting. As someone who evidently has “a deranged mindset” I am impressed that he beat me to the punch!
Thanks James. I’ve never heard of that film, I’ll have to find it. It’s funny that everyone in Hollywood is scared to say a word about this one incident.
This incident also benefits Trump for another reason:
Many republicans are mad at him for making bump stocks illegal after whatever happened at Las Vegas.
Now he can argue that a lot of people might have died at his rally if he hadn’t signed that executive order.
Asking “Cui Bono?” leaves me with those options:
–> the event was staged by Trump or Republicans
–> the deep state consists of a bunch of inbred morons on drugs who thought that sending in this kid would be a brilliant idea
–> (((someone))) is trying to start a civil war (but why? maybe Masons are mad for losing power to Silicon Valley?)
–> we are in a simulation and the NPCs start glitching (that would explain A LOT, especially since 2020)
PS: Is it true that CNN and other mainstream media never livestreamed a trump rally before?
Thanks dude. I hadn’t thought about your first point: good observation.
With your Cui Bono options; I think 1 and 3 combined or even 2 and 3 combined might be a decent bet. But 4 is my favorite! Hey, maybe we’re in a simulation and Trump is the main character, like the Truman Show.
And yes, I’ve heard that Trump rallies were never livestreamed before this: but I’m not sure if that’s true. I feel like they *must’ve* livestreamed one of the 2016 rallies, surely.