This one is even less convincing than previous efforts. In fact, this one is extremely lazy. You would, at this point,
The New Orleans Attack, the Cybertruck Attack & Magdeburg: Psy-Op Season 2025…
So. Even though the news agenda has moved on already, it’s worth taking the time to cast our minds back a couple
The media attention and political fallout from the Buffalo shooting was still going on when the next gun massacre was already unfolding.
What Really Happened in Bucha: Who Did It & When…?
Something horrific, amounting to war crimes, certainly appears to have occurred in the Kyiv suburb of Bucha: which appeared to come to
So the shooting/attack in Strasborg at the Christmas Market. It doesn’t really need much thinking to go into this, but I’m giving
I used to try to cover terror incidents or suspected false-flag ops in detail: I have an archive of articles devoted solely
Las Vegas Shooting/Attack or Occult Ritual – Notes & Observations…
The mass shooting in Las Vegas has prompted all the usual responses from all the usual (tedious) voices. From mainstream calls for
In a 2015 article concerning this deployment of troops in France, I wrote of the thousands of armed soldiers that were about
I hadn’t initially given much thought to the vehicle/terror attack/massacre in Barcelona; aside from it basically feeling like ‘business as usual’ for
To be clear from the outset, what is said in this post is NOT to make an argument that the June 3rd