
Ariana Grande/Manchester Terror Attack: Curious Notes/Observations…

Ariana Grande, God is a Woman

Before the usual calls to either (a) give away all our remaining privacy and liberties for the sake of security, or (b) round up all those awful brown people and send them to a camp (an actual suggestion that was being made on social media again by multiple users), there’s a couple of things worth considering.

First, what happened last night may well have been (and probably was) a straightforward terror attack (or act of mass murder) by an extremist, possibly linked to ‘ISIS’ or by some terrorist monster who identifies with the ‘ISIS’ cause or thinks innocent concert-goers, including children, are a suitable target.

The official narrative may be all true. I won’t raise the question of ‘crisis actors’ or a simulated event (although some have already raised those questions), but I will assume that a large number of innocent people genuinely have been killed or injured.

All I’m presenting here are some other observations, all of which can be dismissed if you don’t like them; or if you prefer to switch off critical thinking and simply follow the mind-numbingly tedious #PrayForManchester or #PrayForAriana hashtags instead.

The official story, at this time, is of a ‘suicide bomber’ targeting the foyer at the Manchester Arena.

Terror drills (involving crisis actors in the foyer) were carried out in Manchester not long ago, as was reported by RT before.

This attack occurred on the four year anniversary of the Lee Rigby killing (May 22nd 2013) – just as the Westminster attack (March 22nd) took place on the anniversary of the Brussels attack. I’ve been told by a couple of people that the number 22 has occult significance (I don’t really know about numerology myself); interestingly, I’ve just checked and the number of fatalities from the Manchester Arena is now reported as 22 (it was 19 when I started writing).

The November 2015 Paris attacks also – according to the official story – had ‘suicide bombers’ attacking the football stadium during an international fixture. However, as I highlighted at the time, there was never any footage of an explosion in the stadium or any aftermath footage of the damage that the bombs had caused (despite the fact that it was reported there was major damage inside the part of the stadium where the bombs went off).

There appears to be very little footage of the Manchester stadium attack: the majority of the people there would not know or have seen exactly what happened, but would’ve been in a rush/panic to get to safety once they were told something had happened. Also broadcast was an American voice (not a British or Mancunian voice) speaking over the PA system and telling everyone there’s nothing to worry about.

Ariana Grande herself is an interesting figure, being one of those carefully manufactured pop stars and trend-setters who can be seen frequently doing the ‘one eye’ sign and the ‘vow of silence’s sign. A Disney/Nickelodeon child star, she seems to belong to the same school of mega-star entertainers – along with Lady Gaga, Jay Z, Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, ‘Kesha’, Miley Cyrus/’Hanna Montana’ and others whose names I don’t know – who, for whatever obscured reason, keep making strange signs and using esoteric symbols in photos or in their videos and performances.

 Ariana Grande, Illuminati Symbol
Ariana Grande, God is a Woman 

In fact, Ariana Grande is one of the people who crops up the most if you type in any combination of the words ‘Illuminati’ and ‘pop star’ into a search engine. She was also banging some dude called ‘Big Sean’, who also appears to belong to the same club.

I’ve never been sure if I believe all of the ‘Illuminati’ stuff that flourishes online (in fact, I probably don’t for the most part); a lot of is probably made up or exaggerated. But, at the basic level of perception, it is very difficult to dismiss the fact that all of these millionaire, mega pop stars or hip-hop icons keep making the same symbols (usually the one eye sign, the ‘vow of silence’ sign, or the ‘6’ sign), all of it suggesting membership of some kind of secret club or support for (or adherence to) some sort of veiled agenda.

 Pop Stars and Illuminati symbols 

The fact that this unfolded at her concert specifically leaves it open to speculation about a staged event.

Cast your mind back too to the November 13th (2015) Paris attacks, specifically the Bataclan Theater attack – and more specifically the fact that the attack was reported to have coincided with the Eagles of Death Metal performing a song called ‘Kiss the Devil’ (on the date Friday 13th – which was symbolically linked to the Knights Templar; seen by some as founders of Freemasonry and of modern banking).

Furthermore, the band’s singer (pictured below also doing the one eye sign) later hinted in an interview that the Batclan attack might’ve been an inside job: he talked about how odd it was that the club’s security all left the venue that night. It was curious, given the date, that the attack happened specifically during that song (Lyrics: ‘Who’ll love the devil/Who’ll song his song/Who will love the devil and his song/I’ll love the devil!/I’ll sing his song!’); as noted previously, the entire Bataclan incident was suggestive of a ritual sacrifice (either real or symbolic) on some level (while also being a false-flag terror attack on the surface level).

 Eagles of Death Metal, Illuminati symbol 

In such an instance, it wouldn’t be necessarily that the performer is ‘in on it’ in any way or has any knowledge about what’s going to happen: more that they might be seen as a platform via which a staged psy-op or ritual event can be carried out, in the same way that they’ve consented to be platforms or conduits for promoting or brandishing the aforementioned symbolism or imagery on behalf of an agenda or program.

There’s been a lot of speculation by bloggers for some time that Ariana Grande might be a subject of MK Ultra/Monarch programming, as well as so-called ‘Illuminati’ sponsorship or patronage. I have no idea if that’s true or not, but what’s noteworthy is that she appears to be an odd, apparently unpleasant, figure who has openly talked about encounters with ‘demons’ and who was once caught saying (about some of her fans), ‘I hope they all fucking die’”.

Ariana Grande was born into a very wealthy family and was apparently developed from a very young age to be a popular ‘teen idol’ in the same mold as Miley Cyrus or Justin Bieber. Her mother, Joan Grande is, interestingly, the President and CEO of Hose-McCann Communications; a communications specialist used by the US Navy and military, Canadian coast guard and other nations.

Ariana Grande’s manager, Scooter Braun, also manages Justin Bieber and (apparently) Kanye West and has reportedly become the manager of David Beckham’s pop-star-wannabe kid (Cruz Beckham).

Interestingly, several months ago, when the EU, the UN (and former President Obama) all condemned Israel for its illegal settlement building and its demolition of Palestinian homes in illegally occupied territory, Scooter Braun went on a Twitter rant condemning the international community and tweeting ‘I stand with Israel’.

Donald Trump did the same, and so did Zionist agent Geert Wilders (see here), but they’re both political figures, so that makes a little more sense. Scooter Braun has in fact been known to run Justin Bieber’s Twitter account, tweeting as if he is Justin Bieber; he was also, apparently, dropped by Ariana Grande some time ago, but then recently became her manager again.

Away from the symbolism and odd connections, this attack may also (more simply) be timed to influence the UK General Election (June 8th), specifically to reinforce Theresa “security and stability” May’s position and make sure voters are too anxious about supporting Jeremy “friend of terrorists” Corbyn or any of the other “coalition of chaos” options.

This incident also occurs the same day that President Trump arrived in Israel (and a day after Trump’s ‘Islam’ speech in Saudi Arabia).

In terms of ‘ISIS’ claiming responsibility for the Manchester attack – it is possible (even likely) an ‘IS’ member did carry out an attack. However, ‘ISIS’ social media accounts can’t be used as evidence of anything, given that some of them have previously been traced to British government agencies.

And if a jihadist or a radicalised individual did simply go out and commit mass murder, it fits more into the ‘Gladio’ paradigm of controlled terrorism with sleeper cells being kept in place to be utilized for purposes other than just their own.

Interestingly, yesterday, when Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu faced the media, Trump made a gaffe about Israeli intelligence; this was to do with the fact that his alleged ‘leak’ to the Russians (which US media has been fussing so much about) ‘apparently undermined a crucial Israeli intelligence asset embedded in ISIS territory’ – something that Netanyahu and others in the Israeli government have been unhappy about.

All of that being said, I also entirely acknowledge that this Manchester Arena attack may have simply been either a lone-wolf jihadist/terrorist or an ISIS-related act of mass murder.

But even in that situation, you would also have to remind yourself of where ‘ISIS’ came from in the first place – which, when you do that, tends to render the entire ‘us versus them’ paradigm meaningless.

These are all just observations – not a thesis.


Here’s the last note for now – which has literally just been emailed to me by someone – and it’s a big one: it is being reported that the named suspect/perpetrator, ‘Salman Abedi’, fought in Libya in 2011 in the Western-backed overthrowing of the Gaddafi government.

If this is the case, he may well have been in Al-Qaeda or one of the other rebel militias that the British government, NATO and other allies worked with in 2011 to bring about the collapse of Libya (see ‘The Libya Conspiracy‘).

I have covered that subject here a number of times (see here, for example), specifically how the deliberate destabilisation of three previously stable, secular countries – Libya, Iraq and Syria – created vast terrorist playgrounds and training centers where wannabe jihadists and would-be terrorists have been able to develop their desensitisation and their experience and that some of them were going to come back and bring that experience (and desensitisation) with them.

Looks like it just happened.


S. Awan

Independent journalist. Pariah. Believer in human rights, human dignity and liberty. Musician. Substandard Jedi. All-round failure. And future ghost.


  1. I really really was into your article UNTIL you start making kind gestures towards that evil bag of toxic garbage, trump. You ,,,how ..what..? We have this foul dehumanized trash without any self-sense of irony or hypocrisy, bowing to Saudi Arabian leaders, the same place which funding the 9/11 attacks and ISIS along with Zionists preaching about how he wages ‘war on terror’ in his hideous vocal inflections and body language.
    That yo can be so insightful and yet with this lump you make concessions is–well its shivers me timbers is what it does. pass me the puke bucket!

    • sench9us: I think you’ve misread me a little. I’m just cutting a bit of a slack for once. Most of my posts on Trump here have been totally negative from day one. I see no point to keep bashing him whenever I mention him, as most people know he’s a joke.
      Believe me, I’m no fan of his – which I made clear.
      But it’s gotten so tired to bash him all the time – the whole media is doing that all the time. I just thought I’d make it a policy to say something faintly positive about him on whatever rare occasion that he gives me reason to.

  2. Thanx for the article. Indian people are likable, most of them, Pakistanis are the most terrible folks i’ve seen while liviing in England…so not all brown ppl are bad, only fools fall for this propaganda.

    The thing is, that muslims are REALLY dumb and like horse blinded people.
    This libyan boy was most likely a patsy. Muslims are stupid, many got a hypnotised look,
    BUT not nessesarily terrorists, just dumbheads, somebody -obviously – like to “wipe his ass” with them and make them a hate target…
    Many whites are terrible as well, no doubt !

    The club you’ve mention about idiotic pop starlets ( It isn’t pop,either, really, this is something was than Modern Talking of the 80’s haha…i never heard this Grande singer, my ambition is to avoid such a crap ) is called Mickey Mouse Club – braiwashed and programmed from very childhood,
    mk ultra, whatever – no coincidence, no doubt !

    greetings from France…

    But of course you not gonna publish it, right haha ?

  3. So it’s looking like the Manchester attack was planned in Libya, that ‘beacon of democracy’ (failed state) Cameron helped create when he let the RAF become the air force of ‘moderate rebels’ (cough cough) that overthrew the Government there. Also being reported that the terrorist scum who committed the attack was happily flying ISIS flags outside his Manchester home.

    • Yeah, pretty much. Actually it’s even worse than what you just described. I’m putting up an article on that very subject right now – specifically, the British government, Libya and the war on terror.

  4. what puzzles me about ISIS being the perpetrators of this attack are we meant to believe they don’t partake in geopolitics surely there is very little for them to gain from this in terms of giving the warhawk May the look of wonderwoman while Corbyn could well be sidelined for upto 6days if they end up suspending election for that long

  5. Cui bono? It’s Latin for a reason – there’s nothing new about conspiracies. In this case the timing serves as reason enough to be suspicious. Like the shootings in Paris on the eve of the French election, this attack (combined with a Murdoch-led offensive smearing Corbyn as a terrorist sympathiser) is already having direct political repercussions that are favourable to the establishment.

    Thanks as always for offering your very interesting thoughts.

  6. I strongly suspect that you are not taking all of your medications. You see conspiracies in everything. Shit happens, deal with it and stop making things up in your fevered mind!

  7. I see no evidence in that article you linked that he fought in Libya as you suggest, merely that his parents came from Libya to escape the Gaddafi regime.

    • I was quoting the person who sent me the link. But I just re-read it and the article says ‘several members of south Manchester’s Libyan community wondered whether the suicide bomber would turn out to be one of their own: perhaps one of the young men who had fought in Libya during the 2011 revolution, some of whom came home traumatised, angry and unsettled.’

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